
Personal Page: Wisniewskip

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All surnames Iwaszko, Szczesny, Wisniewski, Medyny
All places Augustow, Lachowo, Warsaw, Wolyncepunsk, Popowo
Research notes Anna Josephine Iwaszko, born in 1891, father Piotr Iwaszko born in 1853. My grandmother was born in Suwalska Gubernia  and immigrated here as a young child after her mother died. Her parents were married in Augustow. Her mother was Jozefa Szczesny. Piotr Iwaszko was from Wolynce/Punsk.

My grandfather Tomasz Benjamin Wisniewski was born in December, 1886 in Lachowo. Parents Emilia Medyny and Jozef Wisniewski. Jozef died in 1924 in Lachowo.   My grandfather was the only one of his family to come to the United States. He came to the U.S. on April 29, 1907. After he became an American citizen he fought in the Polish Blue Army 1918-1920 and came home after the campaign.  His Blue Army papers said he came from Lachowo and was a farmer.