
Personal Page: Polehelp

Contact Polehelp
All surnames Golembiewski, Szczepanski, Muzykowski, Murawski, Swarski
All places Warszawkiego, Poland, United States, Troki
Research notes I am researchin my family tree.  My maternal ancestry of Polish descent.  I have very little information on this side of the family.

Info that I have:  

Bartholmiew Golembiewski (1839? - ?) married Hedwig Murawski (1825? - ?) They may have married 1857.  Not sure of any of the dates.  Their son John Golembiewski was born June 3, 1959.  He came to the United States 1890.  I do know he lived in New York and in Norwich, Ct.  He married Anna Szczepanski.  I do not have any info on Anna.  I would like to know if John had siblings in Poland.  Any info on his parents also.  I show that he was born in Warszawkiego, Poland.  

Grandfather Isidore Muzykowski was born in Troki, Poland on April 15, 1899. He came to the U.S. in 1910. I don't know the name of the ship. He died May 05, 1934 in Poughkeepsie, New York. According to his death certificate his parents were Vincent Muzykowski and Josephine Swarski. I do not have any info on Isidore's family at all. I do not know if he had siblings. I do not know if came to America by himself or with a relative. He would have been fairly young to travel by himself. I do not know if he had family in America. He married my grandmother Stanislawa (Stella) Golembiewski in Norwich, Ct. They then, moved to New York. I would appreciate any help anyone can give me regarding Isidore.
Thank you for any help you can give me
