
Personal Page: PolishPrincess2

Contact PolishPrincess2
All surnames Kwak, Kobylarski, Rogacki
All places Sanok, Ludzmierz, Rogoznik
Research notes I have gathered a lot of information on my mother side of the family here in the US but am having difficulty finding much about them in Poland. Both of my grandfathers on my mother's side were born in Poland. Michael Kobylarski indicates on several documents he was born in Sanok. He also mentions Srogow, Gorny, Little Poland. My other grandfather, Szymon Kwak, states on his passport application, dated Feb 7, 1922, that he was born in Rogoznik Province Nowy Targ in Little Poland. Three is an affidavit, translated from Polish, from his mother (Maryanna Kwak) requesting his presence before her passing that states she lives in Ludzimerzu (sp?) and is 90 years old. She also states that her son, Ludwik Kwak, and daughter, Wiktorya Kwak Czaja, both still lived in Poland. Any information on how to documents or if anyone is familiar with this family, I would truly appreciate your help. My mother is currently 91 years old and very interested in learning more. Thank you in advance.