
Personal Page: Joe Iskra

Contact Joe Iskra
All surnames Iskra, Grodz, Gusciora, Ofiara, Gradzki
All places Bojanow, Passaic New Jersey
Research notes I am looking for information on my grandparents' families.  My grandfather was John Michael (Jan) Iskra (1894-1960) and my grandmother was Sofie (Zofia Brygida) Grodz (or Gradzka) (1897-1988).  Both were born near or in Bojanow, Nisko, and they emigrated separately to the United States in 1913.  They settled in Passaic, New Jersey, were married there in 1917, and raised a family of four sons.  My grandfather's parents were Blazej Iskra and Anna Gusciora, and my grandmother's parents were Jacob Gradzki and Antonina Ofiara, about whom I know nothing except their names.