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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:36 pm      Post subject:
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My apologies. Two Jozef Jakubiak, same year 1817, record 84 and 91, I took the wrong one, my post
with Bartlomiej is to be removed from your tree.

Here are correct records.



3 Jakubiak Jozef
MARRIAGE: 2 February 1840, 12:00 noon, in Węgra
GROOM: Jozef Jakubiak, young man, 23 years old, here in Węgra on the farm settled, born in Grujec,
GROOM-PARENTS: son of Mikolaj and Katarzyna Sekowna, spouses Jakubiak, from Węgra
BRIDE: Anna Kulpanowska 21 years old, born in the village Rosktowo, residing there with her parents, BRIDE-PARENTS: daughter of Benedykt and Maryanna born Piotr, spouses Kulpanowski, settled in the village Rostkowo on the farm
WITNESSES: Walenty Strzyz 30 years old, and Szymon Walczak, 30 years old, farmers peasants residing in Węgra

3. Węgra Rostkowo
Dzialo sie w wsi Wegra dnia / dwudziestego stycznia / drugiego lutego / tysiac osiemset czterdziestego roku o godzinie dwunastej w poludnie. Wiadomo czynimy, ze w przytomnosci swiadkow Walentego Strzyza lat trzydziesci i Szymona Walczaka lat trzydziesci majacych gospodarzy rolnych, gospodarzy w Węgrze zamieszkalych, na dniu dzisiejszym zawarte zostalo religijne malzenstwo miedzy Jozefem Jakubiakiem mlodzianem lat dwadziescia trzy majacym tu w Wegrze na gospodarstwie rolnym osiadlym, urodzonym w Grujcu z Mikołaja i Katarzyny Sekowny, malzonkow Jakubiakow z Węgry a Anna Kulpanowska lat dwadziescia jeden majaca we wsi Rosktowie urodzona, i tamze przy rodzicach zamieszkala corka Benedykta i Maryanny Piotrowny malzonkow Kulpanowskich w wsi Rostkowie na gospodarstwie rolnym osiadlych. Malzenstwo to poprzedzily trzy zapowiedzie w dniach / siodmym / dziewietnastym /; /czternastym / dwudziestym szostym / stycznia; / dwudziestym stycznia / drugim lutego / roku biezacego w parafii Węgierskiej jako tez zezwolenie ustne obecnych aktowi malzenstwa rodzicow nowozaslubionych. Tamowanie malzenstwa nie zaszlo. Malzonkowie nowi oswiadczaja, iz nie zawarli umowy przedslubnej. Akt ten stawajacym i swiadkom przeczytany, podpisany zostal, stawajacy i swiadkowie oswiadczyli ze pisac nie umieja.
Ksiadz Franciszek W?binski, Proboszcz


It did happen in the village Węgra / on the twentieth of January / second of February /, year one thousand eight hundred and forty, at twelve o'clock at noon. We make it known that in the consciousness of witnesses Walenty Strzyz thirty years old, and Szymon Walczak, thirty years old, farmers peasants residing in Węgra, today has been concluded religious marriage between Jozef Jakubiak, young man, twenty-three years old, here in Węgra on the farm settled, born in Grujec, son of Mikołaj and Katarzyna Sekowna, spouses Jakubiak, from Węgra; and Anna Kulpanowska twenty-one years old, born in the village Rosktowo, residing there with her parents, daughter of Benedykt and Maryanna born Piotr, spouses Kulpanowski, settled in the village Rostkowo on the farm. This marriage was preceded by three announcements, in the days / seventh / nineteenth /; / fourteen / twenty-sixth / January; / twenty January / second February / of the current year in the parish of Węgra as also an oral permission from present to the marriage act parents of the newlyweds. No opposition to the marriage had happen. The new spouses declared they have not concluded a prenuptial agreement. This act, read to the present sand witnesses, was signed, the present parties and witnesses stated they do not know how to write.
Priest Franciszek W?binski, Pastor

91 Jakubiak Jozef
DATE-of-ACT: X April 1817, 10 am, in Węgra - [number of the day is missing, between 13 and 20]
FATHER: Mikołaj Jakubiak, 35 years old, farmer owner residing in the village Grujec
MOTHER: Katarzyna Jezwowna (should be Sekowna), 25 years old, his wife
KTO: Jozef Jakubiak born 4 April 1817, 4 am, in Grujec, house under the number third
WITNESSES: Andrzej Jakubiak, 38 years old, and Jan Grzeszczak, 80 years old, farmers owners residing in this village Grujec

91 Grujec (today Grójec, przasnyski, Poland)
Roku tysiacznego osiemsetnego siedemnastego miesiaca kwietnia o godzinie dziesiatej rano. Przed nami obywatelem Urzednikiem Stanu Cywilnego gminy Przed nami, obywatelem Urzednikiem Stanu Cywilnego gminy Węgrzeskiej powiatu Przasnyskiego w departamencie Płockim. Stawil sie Mikołaj Jakubiak liczacy lat trzydziesci piec, wloscianin na gospodarstwie w wsi Grujcu zamieszkaly, i okazal nam dziecie plci meskiej, ktore urodzilo sie tu w domu jego pod numerem trzecim, na dniu czwartym miesiaca i roku biezacego, o godzinie czwartej rano, oswiadczajac, iz jest splodzone z niego i Katarzyny Jezwowny (should be Sekowny) lat dwadziescia piec majacej, jego malzonki, i ze zyczeniem jego jest mu nadac imiej Jozef. Po uczynieniu powyzszego oswiadczenia i okazaniu dzieciecia, w przytomnosci Andrzeja Jakubiaka liczacego lat trzydziesci osiem, i Jana Grzeszczaka liczacego lat osiemdziesiat, wloscian na gospodarstwe w tejze wsi Grujcu zamieszkalych. Niniejszy akt urodzenia po przeczytaniu onego stawajacym podpisany zostal, ojciec dzieciecia i swiadkowie wyznali, ze pisac nie umieja.
Dyonizy Smoleński Urzednik Stanu Cywilnego


Year one thousand eight-hundred seventeenth, [number of the day is missing, between 13 and 20] day of the month of April, at ten o'clock in the morning. Before us, citizen and officer of the Civil Vital Records Registry of the community Węgra, county Przasnysz, department of Płock. Appeared in Mikołaj Jakubiak, thirty-five years old, farmer owner residing in the village Grujec, and presented us a male child which was born in his house under the number third, on the fourth day of current month and year, at four o'clock in the morning, declaring he is begotten of him and Katarzyna Jezwowna (should be Sekowna), twenty-five years old, his wife, and that his will is to give him the name Jozef. After making the above a statement and presentation of the child, in the consciousness of Andrzej Jakubiak, thirty-eight years old, and Jan Grzeszczak, eighty years old, farmers owners residing in this village Grujec. This act of birth after being read to the present was signed, the father of the child and witnesses confessed they do not know how to write.
Dyonizy Smoleński officer of the Civil Vital Records Registry

10 Jakubiak Mikolaj z Katarzyna Sekowna
MARRIAGE: 9 February 1812, 11 am, in Węgra
GROOM: Mikołaj Jakubiak, young man, farmer residing in Grujec, demonstrating with the Act of Knowing issued by the Peace Court, department of disputes, of the city Przasnysz, that he is 30 years old,
GROOM-PARENTS: son of the late Jakub and Maryanna, spouses, also farmers residing in that village Grujec
BRIDE: Miss Katarzyna Sekowna, staying with his father, 22 years old according to filed metric, cut out of the books of the Węgra church,
BRIDE-PARENTS: daughter of Jozef and Małgorzata spouses Sekoski, farmers residing in the village Grujec
WITNESSES: Michał Jakubiak, farmhand, 25 years old, groom's own brother, and Piotr Jonczak, farmer, 44 years old, groom's brother-in-law. And Szymon Balunak, 44 years old, from the village Olszewiec, bride's uncle [mother's side], and Walenty Michalak, 31 years old, farmers from the village Grujec

N 10 Grujec
Roku tysiecznego osiemsetnego dwunastego, dnia dziewiatego miesiaca lutego o godzinie jedenastej przed poludniem. Przed nami obywatelem Urzednikiem Stanu Cywilnego gminy Przed nami, obywatelem Urzednikiem Stanu Cywilnego gminy Węgrzeskiej powiatu Przasnyskiego w departamencie Płockim. Stawili sie uczciwy Mikołaj Jakubiak, kawaler, rolnik w Grujcu zamieszkaly, dowodzacy zlozonym aktem znania wydanym przez Sad Pokoju wydzialu spornego powiatu Przasnyskiego iz ma lat trzydziesci, syn niegdy Jakuba i Maryanny malzonkow takze rolnikow w tejze wsi Grujcu zamieszkalych. Tudziez panna Katarzyna Sekowna przy ojcu zostajaca, majaca podlug zlozonej przed name metryki wycietej z ksiag kosciola Wegierskiego lat dwadziescia dwa, corka Jozefa i Małgorzaty Sekoskich, rolnikow we wsi Grujcu zamieszkalych, w asystencji tychze rodzicow. Strony stawajace zadaja, abysmy do obchodu ulozonego miedzy niemi malzenstwa przystapili, ktorego zapowiedzi uczynione byly przed glownymi drzwiami naszego domu gminnego, to jest pierwsza dnia dwudziestego szostego miesiaca stycznia, druga dnia drugiego miesiaca lutego o godzinie dwunastej w poludnie. Gdy o zadnym tamowaniu rzeczonego malzenswta powiadomieni nie zostalismy, a rodzice niniejszym na obchod malzenstwa zezwalaja, przychyajac sie do zadania stron, po przeczytaniu wszystkich wspomnianych papierow i dzialu szostego Kodexu Napoleona w tytule o Malzenstwie, zapytalismy sie przyszlego malzonka i przyszlej malzonki, czli chca polaczyc sie z soba zwiazkiem malzenskim. Na co gdy kazde z nich oddzielnie odpowiedzialo iz taka ich jest wola, oswiadczamy w imienu prawa iz Mikołaj Jakubiak kawaler i panna Katarzyna Sekowna polaczeni sa z soba wezlem malzenstwa. Tego wszystkiego spisalismy akt w przytomnosci uczciwych Michała Jakubiaka, parobka liczacego lat dwadziescia piec, wstepujacego w stan malzenski brata rodzonego, i Piotra Jonczaka rolnika liczacego lat czterdziesci cztery, tegoz zaslubiajacego szwagra. Tudziez Szymona Balunaka liczacego lat czterdziesci cztery z wsi Olszewca, zaslubionej wuja, i Walentego Michalaka liczacego lat trzydziesci jeden ze wsi Grujca rolnikow, ktory stawajacym przeczytany, przez nas podpisany zostal. Osoby w akcie wyrazone wyznaly, ze pisac nie umieja.
Dyonizy Smoleński Urzednik Stanu Cywilnego


Year one thousand eight-hundred twelfth, ninth day of the month of February at eleven o'clock before noon. Before us, citizen and officer of the Civil Vital Records Registry of the community Węgra, county Przasnysz, department of Płock. Appeared in honest Mikołaj Jakubiak, young man, farmer residing in Grujec, demonstrating with the Act of Knowing issued by the Peace Court, department of disputes, of the city Przasnysz, that he is thirty years old, son of the late Jakub and Maryanna, spouses, also farmers residing in that village Grujec. And Miss Katarzyna Sekowna, staying with his father, twenty-two years old according to filed metric, cut out of the books of the Węgra church, daughter of Jozef and Malgorzata spouses Sekoski, farmers residing in the village Grujec, in the assistance of those parents. The present parties demand so we celebrate the marriage they arranged between themselves , whose announcements came out in front of the main door of our community house, that is: the first one in the twenty-sixth of the month of January, the second on the second day of the month of February at twelve o'clock at noon.
When no opposition to the marriage had happed, and the parties hereby present do allow to the rite of marriage, we accede therefore to the demand of parties, after reading all the above mentioned papers as well as the sixth Chapter of the Napoleon Code in the title of marriage. We asked the future spouse (him) and the future spouse (her), if they want to connect to each other by the union of marriage? When everyone separately answered they so wish, we therefore declare in the name of the law, that Mikolaj Jakubiak young man and Miss Katarzyna Sekowna are connected to each other with the node of marriage.
What we all wrote down in this Act, in consciousness of honest Michal Jakubiak, farmhand, twenty-five years old, groom's own brother, and Piotr Jonczak, farmer, forty-four years old, groom's brother-in-law. And Szymon Balunak, forty-four years old, from the village Olszewiec, bride's uncle [mother's side], and Walenty Michalak, thirty-one years old, farmers from the village Grujec, which was read to the present, and was signed by us. The persons denominated in the Act confessed they do not know how to write.
Dyonizy Smoleński officer of the Civil Vital Records Registry

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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:43 pm      Post subject:
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Jakubiak Tree Summary:

39 Rostkow // Rostkowo
DATE-of-ACT: /8/20/ March 1888 – 20 March 1888, 5 pm in the village Węgra
FATHER: Ksawery Jakubiak, 46 years old, residing in Rostkowo
MOTHER: Wiktorya Modzelewska, 36 years old, his wife
WITNESSES: Ksawery Modzelewski, 43 years old, and Mikolaj Bartosiewicz, 53 years old, both from Rostkowo
KTO: Stanislaw Jakubiak born /4/16/ March 1888 – 16 March 1888, 11 am, in Rostkowo
GODPARENTS: (the above witnesses?) and Aleksandra Modzelewska

MARRIAGE: 24 January 1864, 1 pm, in Węgra
GROOM: Xawery Jakubiak, young man, born in Węgra, 23 years old, residing with his parents in Rostkowo on their farm
GROOM-PARENTS: son of Jozef and Anna born Kulpanowska, spouses Jakubiak
BRIDE: Miss Wiktorya Modzelewska, born in Rostkowo, 22 years old, residing there with her parents on their farm
BRIDE-PARENTS: daughter of Jan and Maryanna born Jankowska, spouses Modzelewski,
WITNESSES: Stanislaw Krypczak 40 years old, and Andrzej Bartosiewicz 46 years old, both farmers from Rostkowo

DATE-of-ACT: 21 November 1840, 10 am, in Węgra
FATHER: Jozef Jakubiak, 23 years old, farmer residing here in Węgra
MOTHER: Anna Kulpanowska, 21 years old, his wife
KTO: Xawery Jakubiak, born 20 November 1840, 2 am, in Węgra
WITNESSES: Benedykt Kulpanowski, 50 years old, from Rostkowo, and Felicjan Jurski, farmer from Węgra, 50 years old
GODPARENTS: Benedykt Kulpanowski and Katarzyna Jakubiak

MARRIAGE: 2 February 1840, 12:00 noon, in Węgra
GROOM: Jozef Jakubiak, young man, 23 years old, here in Węgra on the farm settled, born in Węgra,
GROOM-PARENTS: son of Mikolaj and Katarzyna Sekowna, spouses Jakubiak, from Węgra
BRIDE: Anna Kulpanowska 21 years old, born in the village Rosktowo, residing there with her parents, BRIDE-PARENTS: daughter of Benedykt and Maryanna born Piotr, spouses Kulpanowski, settled in the village Rostkowo on the farm
WITNESSES: Walenty Strzyz 30 years old, and Szymon Walczak, 30 years old, farmers peasants residing in Węgra
3. Węgra Rostkowo

DATE-of-ACT: X April 1817, 10 am, in Węgra - [number of the day is missing, between 13 and 20]
FATHER: Mikołaj Jakubiak, 35 years old, farmer owner residing in the village Grujec
MOTHER: Katarzyna Jezwowna (should be Sekowna), 25 years old, his wife
KTO: Jozef Jakubiak born 4 April 1817, 4 am, in Grujec, house under the number third
WITNESSES: Andrzej Jakubiak, 38 years old, and Jan Grzeszczak, 80 years old, farmers owners residing in this village Grujec
91 Grujec (today Grójec, przasnyski, Poland)

MARRIAGE: 9 February 1812, 11 am, in Węgra
GROOM: Mikołaj Jakubiak, young man, farmer residing in Grujec, demonstrating with the Act of Knowing issued by the Peace Court, department of disputes, of the city Przasnysz, that he is 30 years old,
GROOM-PARENTS: son of the late Jakub and Maryanna, spouses, also farmers residing in that village Grujec
BRIDE: Miss Katarzyna Sekowna, staying with his father, 22 years old according to filed metric, cut out of the books of the Węgra church,
BRIDE-PARENTS: daughter of Jozef and Małgorzata spouses Sekoski, farmers residing in the village Grujec
WITNESSES: Michał Jakubiak, farmhand, 25 years old, groom's own brother, and Piotr Jonczak, farmer, 44 years old, groom's brother-in-law. And Szymon Balunak, 44 years old, from the village Olszewiec, bride's uncle [mother's side], and Walenty Michalak, 31 years old, farmers from the village Grujec
N 10 Grujec

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Post Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 7:18 pm      Post subject:
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I've been doing this for a while, and I don't think it's ever unraveled that easy before. Unbelievable. I tried to find the birth of Wiktoria Modzelewska and sifted 1839-1851, but don't see a match. Saw several others, including Katarzyna Modzelewski in 1841, but I don't think the parents match. Then I looked through the marriages from 1830-1846, but see no Modzelewski, just births and deaths. I stopped when I saw no indexes in 1831 or 1830. Oddly enough, in 1842 there was a Xawery Modzelewski born I think.
Anyways, truly amazing.
Thanks again
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Post Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:20 pm      Post subject:
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Think I found Ksawery Jakubiak death in 1913. Also I found his brother Jan's marriage to Tekla Błaszkiewicz in 1891, a sister's death in 1873(Antonina), a sister's birth in 1849(Marianna). And Ksawery had an uncle born in 1826(Antoni).

Ksawery Jakubiak death #77.jpg
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Ksawery Jakubiak death #77.jpg

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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:04 am      Post subject:
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starkey76 wrote:
Think I found Ksawery Jakubiak death in 1913. Also I found his brother Jan's marriage to Tekla Błaszkiewicz in 1891, a sister's death in 1873(Antonina), a sister's birth in 1849(Marianna). And Ksawery had an uncle born in 1826(Antoni).


Yes, Ksawery death.

I also added two from others you quoted.
Jan was soldier in an army, I cannot translate it correctly, if you are interested, please ask Staripolak.

The very bad thing is that recovering Latin name from a record scribed in Cyrillic is almost always ambigous.


77 Jakubiak Ksawery [record in Russian Cyrillic]
77 Rostkowo [record in Russian Cyrillic]
DATE-of-ACT: /14/27/ December - 27 December 1913, 2 pm, in the village Węgra [ the divergence between Julian and Gregorian is 13 days at the beginning of XX century]
WITNESSES: Antoni Bartosiewicz, 40 years old, and Antoni Korzeniewski, 40 years old, farmers residing in Rostkowo
KTO: Ksawery Jakubiak, died 26 December 1913, 2 pm, in Rostkowo, married, laborer, born in Węgra, local parish, 73 years old,
PARENTS: son of Jozef Jakubiak and his wife Anna born Kulpanowska, from Rostkowo,
WIDOW: leaving behind widowed Wiktorya born Modzelewska

24 Jakubiak Antoni
24 Węgra
DATE-of-ACT: 28 May 1826, 3 pm, in Węgra
FATHER: Mikołaj Jakubiak, 40 years old, farmer residing in the village Węgra
MOTHER: Katarzyna born Sękowska, 28 years old, his wife
KTO: Antoni Jakubiak, born 25 May 1826, 2 pm, in Węgra
WITNESSES: Augustyn Kudlikowski, farmer residing in Grojec, 30 years old, and Kazimierz Kostrzewski, farmer residing in Węgra, 50 years old
GODPARENTS: Augustyn Kudlikowski, and his wife Ewa

23 Jakubiak Jan i Tekla Błaszkiewicz [record in Russian Cyrillic]
23 Rostkowo i Górki [record in Russian Cyrillic]
MARRIAGE: / 22 July / 3 August/ - 3 August 1891, 10 am, in Węgra
WITNESSES: Mateusz Mofacki, 40 years old, and Stanislaw Adamiak 33 years old, residing in Górki
GROOM: Jan Jakubiak, dismissed military of sixth X? of first Army Guard X?, now farmer residing in Rostkowo, 35 years old
GROOM-PARENTS: Jozef Jakubiak and Anna Kulpanowska
BRIDE: Tekla Błaszkiewicz, born in Łysakowo?, 31 years old, residing with her mother in Gorki
BRIDE-PARENTS: the late? Piotr Blaszkiewicz and alive Jozefa Chondziemska?, his wife

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Post Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 1:43 pm      Post subject:
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Thanks Elzbieta. Found this and at first thought it was just the names flipped, but now it appears besides the Ksawery Jakubiak marrying Wiktoria Modzelewska, another Ksawery Modzelewski married Wiktoria Jakubiak in Wegra and had children at the same time.


I think found the other Ksawery Modzelewski born in 1842, and I think his death in 1900(parents Jan and Marianna, same as Wiktoria Modzelewska, the maiden name appears different though? Ignasiak on Ksawery, and on Wiktoria marriage it said her mothers maiden name was Jankowska).


Ksawery was a popular name it seems in Wegra....


Xawery Modzelewski birth 1842 #43.jpg
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Xawery Modzelewski birth 1842 #43.jpg

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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:49 pm      Post subject:
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starkey76 wrote:
Thanks Elzbieta. Found this and at first thought it was just the names flipped, but now it appears besides the Ksawery Jakubiak marrying Wiktoria Modzelewska, another Ksawery Modzelewski married Wiktoria Jakubiak in Wegra and had children at the same time.


I think found the other Ksawery Modzelewski born in 1842, and I think his death in 1900(parents Jan and Marianna, same as Wiktoria Modzelewska, the maiden name appears different though? Ignasiak on Ksawery, and on Wiktoria marriage it said her mothers maiden name was Jankowska).


Ksawery was a popular name it seems in Wegra....



Here is Ksawery Modzelewski birth in 1842.
I also found his marriage in 1864, and his first child in 1866 (nothing in 1865).

JUST spotted Jablonska (in birth record) vs Jankowska (in marriage record).
Anything else fits. Typo?

Typed death record from 1990.



43 Modzelewski Ksawery
Ksawery Modzelewski
DATE-of-ACT: /13/25/ May – 25 May 1842, 2 pm, in Węgra
FATHER: Jan Modzelewski, 28 years old, farmer residing in Rostkowo
MOTHER: Maryanna Jablonska, 26 years old, his wife
KTO: Xawery Modzelewski, born 24 May 1842, 2 am, in Rostkowo
WITNESSES: Franciszek Kulpanowski, 22 years old, and Blazej Picanowski, farmer 27 years old, residing in Roskowo
GODPARENTS: Franciszek Kulpanowski and Maryanna Picanowska
43 Rostkowo
Dzialo sie we wski Węgra dnia /trzynastego / dwudziestego piatego / maja czterdziestego drugiego roku o godzinie drugiej po poludniu. Stawil sie Jan Modzelewski lat dwadziescia osiem majacy, gospodarz w Rostkowie zamieszkaly, w obecnosci Franciszka Kulpanowskiego lat dwadziescia dwa, przy czym tudziez Blazeja Picanowskiego gospodarz lat dwadziescia siedem majacych w Roskowie zamieszkalych i okazal nam dziecie plci meskiej urodzone w Rostkowie na dniu wczorajszym o godzinie drugiej w nocy, z jego malzonki Maryanny Jablonskiej lat dwadziescia szesc majacej. Dziecieciu temu na chrzcie swietym odbytym w dniu dziesiejszym nadane zostalo imie Xawery, a rodzicami jego chrzestnymi byli wyzej wspomniany Franciszek Kulpanowski i Maryanna Picanowska. Akt ten stawajacemu i swiadkom przeczytany, podpisany zostal, stawajacy i swiadkowie pisac nie umieja.
Ksiadz Franciszek Smolenski, Proboszcz Węgierski

4 Modzelewski Ksawery z Wiktorya Jakubiak
4 Rostkowo
MARRIAGE: 24 January 1864, 2 pm, in Wegra
GROOM: Ksawery Modzelewski, born in Rostkowo, 21 years old, staying with his parents
GROOM-PARENTS: son of Jan and Maryanna born Jankowska, spouses Modzelewski
BRIDE: Miss Wiktorya Jakubiak, born in Wegra, 21 years old, residing with her parents in Rostkowo
BRIDE-PARENTS: daughter of Jozef and Anna born Kulpanowska, spouses Jakubiak
WITNESSES: Stanislaw Kryszczak, 40 years old, and Andrzej Bartosiewicz, 46 years old, farmers from Rostkowo

108 Modzelewska Maryanna
108 Rostkowo
DATE-of-ACT: 23 November 1866, 1 pm, in Wegra
FATHER: Ksawery Modzelewski, farmer residing in Rostkowo, 24 years old
MOTHER: Wiktorya Jakubiak, 24 years old, his wife
KTO: Maryanna Modzelewska, born 22 November 1866, 6 pm, in Rostkowo
WITNESSES: Andrzej Wichlewski and Jozef Kozlowski, both farmers residing in Rostkowo, each forty years old
GODPARENTS: Andrzej Wichlewski and Franciszka, his wife

11 Modzelewski Ksawery (in Cyrillic)
DATE-of-ACT: /30 January / 11 February / - 11 February 1900, 10 am, in Wegra
WITNESSES: Stanislaw Modzelewski, 52 years old, and Teofil Modzelewski, 37 years old, farmers from Rostkowo,
KTO: Ksawery Modzelewski, died 10 February, 9 pm, in Roskowo, married, Christian, born in Rostkowo, son of Jan and Maryanna born Ignasiak, 58 years old, leaving behind widowed wife Wiktorya born Jakubiak

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Post Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:30 am      Post subject:
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Thanks Elzbieta.
Think I tracked most of the families by targeting Wegra in my search and cross referencing the names in Geneteka database, but a lot seem to not show up in searches and has to be sifted through. Not that bad, but tedious. Think I found Jan Modzelewski's birth in 1813, and his wife Marianna Jablonska(maybe, not sure with 3 records showing Jablonska, Jankowska, and Ignasiak, unless maybe she remarried?) birth in 1816. Thanks again for all the help, totally unbelievable for it to unravel that way.

Marianna Jablonski birth 1816 #59.jpg
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Marianna Jablonski birth 1816 #59.jpg

Jan Modzelewski birth 1813 #49.jpg
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Jan Modzelewski birth 1813 #49.jpg

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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:20 am      Post subject:
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starkey76 wrote:
Thanks Elzbieta.
Think I tracked most of the families by targeting Wegra in my search and cross referencing the names in Geneteka database, but a lot seem to not show up in searches and has to be sifted through. Not that bad, but tedious. Think I found Jan Modzelewski's birth in 1813, and his wife Marianna Jablonska(maybe, not sure with 3 records showing Jablonska, Jankowska, and Ignasiak, unless maybe she remarried?) birth in 1816. Thanks again for all the help, totally unbelievable for it to unravel that way.


Marianna Jankowska's birth record is a tresure, it clarifies her names. She is Jankowska, family name, and Ignasiak, her patronymic name.
She is JANKOWSKA (Jablonska must be a typo on her son, Ksawery Modzelewski, birth record).


INDEX BIRTHS [this one is also with 91 Jakubiak Jozef]
59 Jankowska Maryanna
[follow up on the next page]
DATE-of-ACT: 11 January 1817, 8 am, in Węgra
FATHER: Ignacy Jankowski, 40 years old, farmer owner residing in the village Rostkowo
MOTHER: Maryanna Pawlak, 30 years old, his wife
KTO: Maryanna Jankowska, born 8 January 1817, 4 pm, in Rostkowo, house under number two
WITNESSES: Domnik Krzyzewski, 51 years old, treasurer [financial manager of 1817] of the village Rostkowo, and Tomasz Wiktorzak, 60 years old, custodian of the church residing in Węgra
SIGNATURES: one witness, implicit: treasurer [financial manager of 1817] of the village Rostkowo
NOTE: Maryanna Jankowska's Father is Ignacy Jankowski, she may be also designated by her patronymic name Ignaciak, daughter of Ignacy

59 Rostkowo
Roku tysiecznego osiemsetnego siedemnastego dnia jedenastego miesiaca stycznia o godzinie osmej rano. Przed name obywatelem Urzednikiem Stanu Cywilnego gminy Węgarskiej powiatu Przasnyskiego w departamencie Płockim. Stawil sie Ignacy Jankowski liczacy lat czterdziesci wloscianin na gospodarstwie w wsi Rostkowie zamieszkaly i okazal nam dziecie plci zenskiej ktore urodzilo sie w domu jego pod numerem drugim na dniu osmym miesiaca i roku biezacych o godzinie czwartej wieczor oswiadczajac iz jest splodzone z niego i Maryanny Pawlakowny lat trzydziesci majacej jego malzonki, i ze zyczeniem jego jest nadac mu imie Maryanna. Po uczynieniu powyzszego oswiadczenia i okazaniu dzieciecia w przytomnosci urodzonego Domnika Krzyzewskiego liczacego lat piecdziesiat jeden, ekonoma z tejze wsi Rostkowa, i Tomasza Wiktorzaka, liczacego lat szescdziesiat, dziada koscielnego we wsi Wegra zamieszkalego. Niniejszy akt urodzenia po przeczytaniu onego stawajacym podpisany zostal przez nas i jednego swiadka, Ojciec dzieciecia i drugi swiadek wyznali, ze pisac nie umieja.
Dyonizy Smolenski, Urzednik Stanu Cywilnego


Year one thousand eight hundred seventeen, in the eleventh day of the month of January at eight o'clock in the morning. Before us, citizen, officer of the Civil Vital Records Registry for the community Węgra, county Przasnysz in the department of Płock. Appeared in Ignacy Jankowski forty years old farmer owner residing in the village Rostkowo, and presented us a female child, which were born in his house under number two, on the eighth day of the current month and year, at four o'clock in the evening declaring he is begotten of him and Maryanna Pawlakowny [suffix -owna, daughter of Pawlak] thirty years old, his wife, and that his will is to give him the name Maryanna. After making the above statement and presentation of a child, in the consciousness of Domnik Krzyzewski, fifty-one years old, treasurer [financial manager of 1817] of the village Rostkowo, and Tomasz Wiktorzak, sixty-years old, custodian of the church residing in Węgra. This act of birth, after being read to the present, has been signed by us and one witness, the child's father and the second witness confessed that they do not know how to write.
Dyonizy Smolenski, officer of the Civil Vital Records Registry
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Post Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 11:07 am      Post subject:
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Thanks Elzbieta,
I thought I maybe saw Ignacy in there, but wasn't sure. Going to talk to my cousin that I saw last week. He was joking around about making a trip, this might actually spur him on a little.
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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:07 pm      Post subject:
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starkey76 wrote:
Thanks Elzbieta.
Think I tracked most of the families by targeting Wegra in my search and cross referencing the names in Geneteka database, but a lot seem to not show up in searches and has to be sifted through. Not that bad, but tedious. Think I found Jan Modzelewski's birth in 1813, and his wife Marianna Jablonska(maybe, not sure with 3 records showing Jablonska, Jankowska, and Ignasiak, unless maybe she remarried?) birth in 1816. Thanks again for all the help, totally unbelievable for it to unravel that way.


Here is Jan Modzelewski.



49 Modzelewski Jan
49 Rostkowo
DATE-of-ACT: 23 January 1814, 2 pm, in Wegra
FATHER: Ignacy Modzelewski, farmer, 38 years old, residing in Rostkowo
MOTHER: Anna Ropel [suffix –owna, Ropelowna], 24 years old, his wife
KTO: Jan Modzelewski born 19 January 1814, 10 am, in Rostkowo
WITNESSES: Adam Podgorski, 33 years old, and Maciej Nowicki, 34 years old, farmers residing in Rostkowo

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Post Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 12:51 am      Post subject:
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Think I might have located the marriage between Ignacy Jankowska and Marianna Pawlak, maybe.

Can't figure out what book it would be in though. Also says wife's name was Malik? Might be a stretch. Anyways, thanks again.
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Post Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 11:12 am      Post subject:
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Some great informations i found here, i quess Jakubiak Family becames Mikolajczyk some day on the past becouse of MIKOŁAJ Jakubiak. Mikołajczyk Family that's my grand grand parents from chojnowo near Węgra Smile
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