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PolishOrigins Team Leader

Joined: 28 Apr 2007
Replies: 1519
Location: Poland

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Post Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 2:39 am      Post subject: PO Genealogy Video Consultation
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Dear all,

This forum has gathered an amazing group of people who have been helping one another for more than a dozen years now. When I check it every day there is almost always a post or thread that puts a smile on my face. These are “everyday” events like helping to translate a record or less casual, like giving a hint thanks to which someone overcomes a “brick wall” under which he or she had been stuck for years or even decades.

However sometimes you would like to make sure that you fully understood the advice given and would like to know what concrete steps you should take next.

You would like to ask additional questions but you thought that could make you look “uneducated”...

You would like to add pieces of information that might seem not relevant enough to write about or just didn’t want to share them in public.

Or maybe in this strange time of isolation you just wish to talk the things over in real-time with a “genealogical soul mate”? With someone who not only is an expert in the field of Polish genealogy but who will also carefully and with kindness listen to what you have to say and will try to help you.

This kind of direct interaction between genealogPolishOrigins Genealogy Video Consultation with our genealogy, history, and citizenship experts.
ists and guests has often brought almost miraculous effects during our Genealogy Tours.

Not everyone can travel to Europe. And now because of covid restrictions it is still impossible for most. However, a direct video conversation is possible for all who have a computer with an internet connection.

And this is what we propose you as of now, March 2021:

PolishOrigins Genealogy Video Consultation with our genealogy, history, and citizenship experts.

How it works:

1. You fill out the inquiry form, where you describe the subject (or subjects) you would like to talk about: https://polishorigins.com/consultation-request .

2. We analyze the information you sent and get back to you within 7 working days (most often it will be much quicker) with an answer if we are able to help you.

3. If we can help you then, based on your preferences, we appoint a date and time and provide you a link for you to book the meeting.

4. After you made the payment we send you a link to where the online meeting will take place. You don’t need to have any special device or software installed. Regular computer (smartphone, tablet) with a browser will do.

5. The consultation lasts up to one hour.
During the meeting, you can discuss all issues with an expert dedicated to your project. You see the process of analyzing your case through the eyes of an experienced genealogist. We go through specific tools applicable to your case, verify where the records are stored, discuss formal and legal procedures (if applicable) and see what are the options to move forward. You have “backstage” access to see how we work. You see everything on your screen and you can ask as many questions as you can fit in the 60 minutes consultation.

6. After the consultation, you receive a summary report where the next steps you could take in your research are described. If you agreed for recording the meeting you will also receive video recording.

The cost of the consultation is 590 Polish złotys (about $150 now). This includes the preparation work we conduct after receiving your request, the meeting itself, and the report you receive from us after the consultation.

If you book and pay for your first consultation till March 19, 2021, you will get a discount of 34% of the regular fee to 390 Polish zlotys (about $100 now) .

You, the forum members, are the first who receive this announcement before it goes to our newsletter subscribers and blog readers.

If you are ready to give it a try here is the PO Genealogy Video Consultation inquiry: https://polishorigins.com/consultation-request .
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