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Post Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:33 am      Post subject: Polish records translations
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Here is the place where you can upload scan or picture file of your ancestors church record handwritten in Polish with request of translation it into English.

Before asking for help our volunteers try your hand at understanding the records. It is not that hard as you might think and the satisfaction from doing it by yourself may be great Smile . There are special instructions and guidelines you can use described in this post: Deciphering and translating Polish records on your own.

However, if you still have serious problems with deciphering the record or part of it, or just want to make sure that you understood the handwriting correctly follow the instruction below.

If you are a member the PolishOrigins all you have to do is:

1. Click on 'postreply' button at the top or the bottom of the page (see attached print screen).

2. Scroll down to the 'Add an Attachment' section.

3. Click 'Browse' or 'Choose your file' button there, find your picture file with record to translate in your local computer disk, and finally click the 'Add Attachment' button.

Your file will upload in a few moments and will be visible in your post after you click on 'Submit' button.

You can also add a comment to your request for translation in the 'Message body' field above the 'Add an Attachment' section.

Important: size of files can't be larger than 2 MB. (You can read more about adding files to messages in our Forum here: http://forum.polishorigins.com/viewtopic.php?p=373#373 )

Added in Jan 2014
We have a big request to you please cut and upload only the parts of document you ask to be translated instead of whole large pages. This way you will make our volunteers translators job easier to their tired eyes. They will have larger resolution of the scans and will not have to waste their time for searching the part of the record you are interested in.

To edit scan/picture files you can use one of the many desktop softwares (like MS Office Picture Manager or freeware Irfanview http://www.irfanview.com/ ) or free online services (like http://pixlr.com/editor/ or http://www.freeonlinephotoeditor.com/ ).

If you want to pay back to translators and pay forward to the whole community see also the announcements: Indexation of Translations and Donations for translations.

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Post Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:21 am      Post subject:
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Hi, Elzbieta

I am having a hard time trying to decipher the penmanship on this death record. Here is what I read:

29. Goszczanów. Roku tysiac osiemset dwudziastego drugiego dnia czternastego Sier
pnia przed ? ? ? Jozefa ? ? ? ? Go-
szczanów Powiatu (?) Wartego (?) wojwodztwo kaliszkiego Stawil sie ? Jan Jozefiak ?
ojciec? i Maciej Jozefiak? ? zmarlego? i oswiadczyli ? ? dnia czterna-
stego Sierpnie o poludnie umarl Antoni syn Jana i Maryanny z Pekala
Jozefiak... w domu/wdowa ? pod ? piedziewiatego drugiego majacy lat dziewiatego


1822 - D - Antoni (Jan Mar).jpg
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1822 - D - Antoni (Jan Mar).jpg

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Post Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:34 am      Post subject: Need help with polish translation
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I have 3 birth records and would like to request a translation. Thank you for your help!


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Last edited by Helli on Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:04 pm      Post subject:
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The text is indeed very hard to decipher, and also the family description is not clear.



29. Goszczanów. Roku Tysiac Osiemset dwudziestego drugiego, dnia czternastego Sierpnia Przed Nami (ksiedzem) Jozefem Fleki? , Urzednikiem Cywilnym Gminy Goszczanów Powiatu Warteckiego wojwodztwa Kaliskiego stawili sie Jan Jozefiak Ojciec i Maciej Jozefiak Stryj zmarlego i oswiadczyli nam iz dnia czternastego Sierpnia w poludnie umarl Antoni syn Jana i Maryanny z Pekalow Jozefiakow, w domu pod numerem piecdziesiatym drugim, majacy lat dziewiec. Po przekonaniu sie.
Akt stawiacym zostal przeczytany przez nas etc.

//OLD [Pekaler] Jozefiakowej wdowie po nim lat piecdziesiatym drugim majacej, END OLD//
//NEW z Pekalow Jozefiakow, w domu pod numerem piecdziesiatym drugim, majacy END NEW//

CORRECTED: 16 Feb 2015, help from coeurr/Kate:
Jan Jozefiak-father of Antoni
Maciej Jozefiak-uncle
Antoni son,died at age 9,
Maryanna pekala mother of Antoni.
52-number of the house they lived.
hope it clears a bit.Kate.


Translated: CORRECTED

29. Goszczanów. 1822, 14 August, showed up before us (priest) Jozef Flek?, Civil Records keeper at the gmina of Goszczanów, powiat Warta, wojewodztwo Kalisz:
Jan Jozefiak Father and Maciej Jozefiak Uncle of passed away, and declared to us that on 14 August at noon passed away Antoni, son of Jan and Maryanna born Pekala spouses Jozefiak, in the house at number 52,
of 9 years old.

After visual conviction. The Akt was read ... etc.

Trying to figure out coherency and who's who:

Jan Jozefiak, Father (father of passed away)
Maciej Jozefiak, Uncle (of passed away)

Antoni, son of Jan Jozefiak and Maryanna Pekala Jozefiak CORRECTED

Antoni age 9 CORRECTED

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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:11 pm      Post subject: Frederyk Schmidt, born 16 December 1834 // b110_1834_157
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Frederyk Schmidt, born 16 December 1834

Record 110


Drwały, are 7km west of Wyszogród, Poland



Dzialo sie w Wyszogrodzie dnia osiemnastego grudnia tysiac osiemset trzydziestego czwartego roku o godzinie dwunastej w poludnie: stawil sie Jan Schmidt gospodarz w Drwałach zamieszkaly, lat trzydziesci trzy liczacy, w obecnosci Daniela Braun, płociennika z Wyszogrodu, lat trzydziesci cztery, i Franciszka Krauze, komornika z Drwał, lat czterdziesci dwa liczacego, i okazal nam dziecie plci meskiej urodzone w Drwałach dnia szesnastego miesiaca i roku biezacego o godzinie osmej z rana, z zony jego Malgorzaty z Schwabow liczacej lat dwadziescia szesc. Dziecieciu temu na chrzcie swietym odbytym w dniu dzisiejszym nadano imie Fryderyk, a rodzicami chrzestnemi byli wspomnieni swiadkowie i Dorota z Schwabow Buchholty z Drwał.
Akt ten stawajacym i swiadkom przeczytany przez nas [one word stroke out: stawajacy], tylko podpisany nie zostal gdyz oswiadczyli iz pisac nie umieli.

[cannot read]
Ksiadz Ignacy Boerner, pastor Wyszogrodzki



It did happen in Wyszogrod, in this eighteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred thirty-fourth year, at twelve o'clock at noon: appeared Jan Schmidt, farmer living in Drwały, thirty-three years old, in the presence of Daniel Braun, płóciennik [someone making fabrics, weaver] of Wyszogród, thirty-four years old, and Franciszek Krauze, komornik [someone renting a place to live, and working for farmers] of Drwały, forty-two years old, and he presented us the male children born in Drwały on the sixteenth day of the current month and year at eight o'clock in the morning, with his wife Malgorzata born Schwab, twenty six years old. The child was given the name of Frederyk at the holy baptism held on today, and the godparents were mentioned above witnesses and Dorota born Schwab Buchholty from Drwały.

This act was read by us to the present and witnesses, but has been signed only by us, because they declared they could not write.

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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:26 pm      Post subject: Agata Heffke, born 18 December 1832 // b87_1832_167
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Agata Heffke, born 18 December 1832


I cannot read neither guess the village name. This village is also called Kolonia in the birth record, sometimes "Kolonia" is a gathering of houses build nearby the main village, an extension of the main place.




Dzialo sie w Wyszogrodzie dnia osiemnastego grudnia roku tysiac osiemset trzydziestego drugiego godzinie jedenastej przed poludniem: stawil sie Ernest Heffke gospodarz w [Wynejeuze? Wieliszewie? Wiciejewie?] zamieszkaly lat trzydziesci jeden liczacy, w obecnosci Adama Ehmann i Krystyana Szwarc, gospodarzy w [Wynejeuze? Wieliszewie? Wiciejewie?] zamieszkalych, po dwadziescia trzy lat liczacych, i okazal nam dziecie plci zenskiej urodzone na Kolonii teyze, dnia dziesiatego miesiaca i roku biezacego o godzinie drugiej po poludniu z zony jego Anny Maryi z Ehmanow liczacej lat dwadziescia piec. Dziecieciu temu na chrzcie swietym odbytym w dniu dzisiejszym nadane zostalo imie Agata, a rodzicami chrzestnemi byli wspomnieni swiadkowie i Magdalena z Lutzow Schott z [Wynejewa? Wieliszewa? Wiciejewa?].
Akt ten stawajacym i swiadkom przeczytany, podpisanym nie zostal gdyz oswiadczyli iz pisac nie umieja.

Ksiadz Ignacy Boerner, pastor Gminy Ewangielickiej Wyszogrod



It did happen in Wyszogrod, on eighteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred thirty-two year, at eleven o'clock in the morning: appeared Ernest Heffke, farmer living in [Wynejeuze? Wieliszewie? Wiciejewie?] thirty-one years old, in the presence of Adam Ehmann and Krystyan Szwarc, farmers in [W???] twenty-three years old each, and he presented us the female children born in this Kolonia, on the tenth day of the current month and year at two o'clock in the afternoon, with his wife Anna Marya born Ehman, twenty five years old. The child was given the name of Agata at the holy baptism held on today, and the godparents were mentioned above witnesses and Magdalena born Lutz Schott from [W???].

This act was read by us to the present and witnesses, but has not been signed, because they declared they could not write.
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Post Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:37 pm      Post subject:
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Hallo Elzbieta,
I'd like to thank you for the translations - # 110 is my great-grandfather and # 87 is my great-grandmother !!! The village name is probably Wiciejewo (I found a village with that name in the area where my father's side lived).
Thank you soo much Very Happy Very Happy
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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:59 pm      Post subject: Jozef Schmitt, born 18 February 1846 // b26_1846_168.jpg
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Jozef Schmitt, born 18 February 1846 // b26_1846_168.jpg




Dzialo sie w Wyszogrodzie dnia osiemnastego lutego (drugiego marca) tysiac osiemset czterdziestego szostego roku o godzinie dwunastej w poludnie: stawil sie Jan Schmitt gospodarz w Drwałach zamieszkaly, lat czterdziesci cztery majacy, w obecnosci swiadkow Jerzego Lenhard, soltysa z Drwał lat trzydziesci osiem, tudziez Macieja Fengberner (?), gospodarza z Drwał, lat dwadziescia dziewiec majacych, i okazal nam dziecie plci meskiej urodzone w dniu (lacinski ?) siedemnastego lutego (pierwszego marca) roku biezacego o godzinie dziewiatej wieczor z (?) malzonki Malgorzaty z Schwabow lat trzydziesci osiem majacej. Dziecieciu temu na chrzcie swietym odbytym w dniu dzisiejszym nadane zostalo imie Jozef, a rodzicami jego chrzestnymi byli wyzej wspomniany Jerzy Lenhard i Dorota Buchholt

Akt ten stawajacym i swiadkom przeczytany, przez swiadka Jerzego Lenhard podpisany zostal, Ojciec i swiadek Macieja Fengberner pisac nie umieja.

Podpis: Jerzy Lönhard

Ksiadz (?)
Pastor Wyszogrodzki



It did happen in Wyszogrod, on eighteenth of February (second of March) one thousand eight hundred forty-six year, at twelve o'clock at noon: appeared Jan Schmidt, farmer living in Drwały, forty-four years old, in the presence of witnesses Jerzy Lenhard, soltys [chief of village] of Drwały thirty-eight years old, and Maciej Fengberner (?), farmer of Drwały, twenty-nine years old, and he presented us the male children born on (lacinski ?) the seventeenth of February (first of March) of the current year at nine o'clock in the evening, with his wife Margaret born Schwab, thirty-eight years old. The child was given the name of Jozef at the holy baptism held on today, and the godparents were mentioned above Jerzy Lenhard and Dorota Buchholt.

This act was read by us to the present and witnesses, signed by the witness Jerzy Lenhard, the Father and the witness Maciej Fengberner could not write.

Signature: Jerzy Lönhard (o with trema )

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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:06 pm      Post subject:
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Happy I could help, and glad to have Wiciejewo ! 27 km from Wyszogrod, it's definitey that.

On the last record you can see a withess signing, and more, signing with diactritic - trema, so he was well aware details matter.

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Cheri Vanden Berg
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Post Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:03 pm      Post subject: Translation please
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Hi, this is not a record, but the back of a photo that I would love to have translated please. I know that the writing is light, so it might be difficult. It was written to my grandmother from her niece Helena, identifying the people in the photo. I appreciate any help I can get with this, thank you.

from Helena.jpg
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from Helena.jpg

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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:32 am      Post subject: Re: Translation please
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Cheri Vanden Berg wrote:

It was written to my grandmother from her niece Helena, identifying the people in the photo.

Hi Cheri,

The light is not a problem, two words are difficult, but you may know the missing name.



Mój mąz Staszek
trzyma synka Kazia
obok niego jego Ojciec
[cannot decipher: Usilak ? facenty ?; the first is a name, the second a description], i obok
jego Bratanek Józef
Maśnica z Makowa
no i ja Helena


Kazio is a diminutive of Kazimierz
Bratanek is a son of a Brother, translates nephew

My husband Staszek
holds [our] son Kazio
close to him is his Father
[cannot decipher: Usilak ? facenty ?; the first is a name, the second a description], and further
his nephew Jozef
Masnica from Makow
and, of course, me Helena
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Cheri Vanden Berg
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Post Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:10 am      Post subject:
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Thank you Elzbieta. You are very kind.
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Post Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:36 am      Post subject:
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Elzbieta Porteneuve wrote:

Happy I could help, and glad to have Wiciejewo ! 27 km from Wyszogrod, it's definitey that.

On the last record you can see a withess signing, and more, signing with diactritic - trema, so he was well aware details matter.


Hallo Elzbieta,
thank you for your translation - it's a big help !!
Best regards,

I'm attaching my great-greatgrandfather's marriage record which needs a verification where he was born before they went to Poland. Would you please take a look at it?

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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:59 am      Post subject: Marriage Jan Fryderyk Schmidt and Marya Malgorzata Schwabe
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Helli wrote:

I'm attaching my great-greatgrandfather's marriage record which needs a verification where he was born before they went to Poland. Would you please take a look at it?


Marriage of Jan Fryderyk Schmidt and Marya Malgorzata Schwabe, 1 February 1831.

N° 1

Dzialo sie w Wyszogrodzie roku tysiac osiemset trzydziestego pierwszego, dnia pierwszego lutego o godzinie trzeciej po poludniu: widomo czyniemy, ze w przytomnosci Michala Hartbener (?) lat piecdziesiat siedem i Krystyana Szulc lat trzydziesci liczacego, gospodarzy w Drwałach zamieszkalych, nie krewnych, lecz dobrze znajacych osoby nowo zaslubione, zawarte zostalo religijne malzenstwo miedzy Janem Fryderykiem Schmidt, mlodzianem urodzonym we wsi Knibes (?) ekonomii Darmstadt w panstwie Wirtembergskim, z Bartlomieja i Bozyny z Mozerow malzonkow Schmidt, a teraz w Drwałach zamieszkalych, gospodarzem tamze lat trzydziesci liczacym, i Marya Malgorzata Schwabe corka naystarsza Jana Jerzego i Barbary Szockow (?) malzonkow Schwabe, gospodarzy w Drwałach, urodzona tamze, przy rodzicach zostajaca, lat dwadziescia dwa liczaca.
Malzenstwo to poprzedzily trzy zapowiedzi w dniach szesnastym, dwudziestym trzecim i trzydziestym stycznia roku biezacego w kosciele gminy ewangielickiej Wyszogrodzkiej, niemniej zezwolenie ustne rodzicow nowo zaslubionych osob, przytomnych aktowi malzenstwa. Tamowanie malzenstwa nie zaszlo. Malzonkowie nowi oswiadczaja iz nie zawarli umowy przedslubnej.
Akt ten stawajacym i swiadkom przeczytany, przez swiadka Krystyana Szulc I Oycow nowo zaslubionych osob podpisanym zostal.

Krystyan Schultz
Bern?? Schmidt?
Jofan Gnorg Szfwab
Ksiadz Ignacy Boerner Pastor Gminy Wyszogrod

Dolacza sie dowodow dwa



It did happen in Wyszogrod, in the year one thousand eight hundred thirty-first, on the first of February at three o'clock in the afternoon: we made it known, that with the consciousness of Michael Hartbener (?) fifty-seven years old, and Krystyan Szulc thirty years old, farmers living in Drwały, not relatives, but knowing well the newlywed persons, it has been concluded a religious marriage between John Frederick Schmidt, a young man born in the village Knibes (?) in the economic area of Darmstadt, in the State of Wirtemberg, son of Bartholmiej and Bozyna Mozer, spouses Schmidt, and now residing in Drwały, farmer as well in Drwały, thirty years old, and Marya Malgorzata Schwabe, the eldest daughter of Jan Jerzy and Barbara born Szock (?), spouses Schwabe, farmers in Drwały, born as well in Drwały, living with her parents, twenty-two years old.

The marriage was preceded by three announcements, on the sixteenth, twenty-third and thirty-January of the current year in the church of Protestant community at Wyszogrod. Nevertheless the verbal permission from parents has been sought, conscious of the act of marriage. No objections stopping marriage had happened. The newlywed Spouses stated they did not sign a prenuptial agreement.
This act was read to the present and witnesses, the witness Krystyan Szulc and Fathers of the newlywed signed it.

Krystyan Schultz (the signature differs from above: Szulc is the Polish writing of the same name)
Bern?? Schmidt?
Johan Gnorg Szfwab (the signature slightly differs from Szwabe, I guess Johan George)
Ksiadz Ignacy Boerner Pastor Gminy Wyszogrod

Two evidences attached.


"where he was born before they went to Poland"

Somewhere near Darmstadt, but you have to go to the Germany from that time.
Today Darmstadt is in Hesse, not Wurtemberg, but pre-Germany was changing a lot over centuries.

It's not easy for me, I do not speak German.

I googled a little, seeking history of Darmstadt and pictures

Found quite interesting article about German emigrations from that time, http://library.ndsu.edu/grhc/history_culture/history/bessarabia.html





Good luck,
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Post Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:40 pm      Post subject:
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Hallo Elzbieta,

thank you very much for your help.

There are 2 things which confuse me: "Knibes" and "ekonomii Darmstadt" (I thought that was "Dornstadt", which is near Ulm). I'm not sure if Darmstadt was ever part of Württemberg. I looked at your links, but I couldn't find proof yet.
There is a town Kniebis near Freudenstadt, which is about 180 km from Dornstadt and a little over 200 km from Darmstadt away. That would be very far away, wouldn't it? I would be happy to hear your opinion.

Best regards,
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