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Bill RushinPO Top Contributor

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Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:12 pm
Post subject: Witamy Górale!
(Please click on the "Yes" bar above if you have Highlander relatives).
Welcome, this forum is only for anyone who has connections with the extreme Southern area of Poland at the foothills the Tatra Mountains. This is the magical land of the Highlanders, the Góral.
Polish: Górale; Slovak: Gorali; Cieszyn Silesian: Gorole; literally "Highlanders"
The Górale are a group of indigenous people found along southern Poland, northern Slovakia, and in the region of Cieszyn Silesia in the Czech Republic as well as in Chicago, the seat of the Polish Highlanders Alliance of North America.
"The flatland's grow onions, the mountains grow men."
Last edited by Bill Rushin on Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:19 am
Post subject:
Just Stumbled upon your post Bill. My Maternal roots are in Podhale. Koniowka to be exact. I'm very proud of my Planiczka family roots. My grandfather Josef Planiczka immigrated here as a 19 year old. Our Planiczka roots run deep in Koniowka and am glad to say I have relatives there that I had occasion to meet in 2008. I even stood in the very home my Grandfather was born in. The home remains in the family still today. More later, glad you began this thread!!
Bill RushinPO Top Contributor

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Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:32 am
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Your welcome Bill, I'm glad you stumbled upon us and you left a reply Bill. Please tell us more when you have time. Koniowka is just above Chochołów and about 10 miles west of my village of Groń. Hope you took some pictures of your grandfathers place and can show us more.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:07 pm
Post subject: Re: Witamy Górale!
Bill Rushin wrote: | Welcome, this forum is only for anyone who has connections with the extreme Southern area of Poland at the foothills the Tatra Mountains. This is the magical land of the Highlanders, the Góral.
Polish: Górale; Slovak: Gorali; Cieszyn Silesian: Gorole; literally "highlanders"
The Górale are a group of indigenous people found along southern Poland, northern Slovakia, and in the region of Cieszyn Silesia in the Czech Republic as well as in Chicago, the seat of the Polish Highlanders Alliance of North America.
"The flatland's grow onions, the mountains grow men." |
My grandfather was from Szczawnica : I am a goralka and proud of it ! My grandmother , although not a goralka was from north east of Tarnow .I have a very old book about the history of Szczawnica which I cherish.
Bill RushinPO Top Contributor

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Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:51 pm
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Yes you are Patia, Szczawnica is not to far west of where my family is from. Please click the Góral counter at the top of the page. Post some info about your town some time.
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Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:35 pm
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Hello Bill,
My grandfather was from Morawczyna-Odrowaz area. I really look forward to learning more about my ancestors. I believe I may still have relatives in Morawczyna. Family names I am researching are: Habas, Chabas, Trojan, Strama, Stopka, Czepiel, Husior.
Bill RushinPO Top Contributor

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Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:13 pm
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Witamy Phil, I would almost bet on it. Some of mine left 109 years ago and I found quite a few who stayed, even first cousin's. I also found that many went to Chicago to join relatives after the Communist's left in 1989 also.
(Everybody please click the "yes" button at the top if you are a Highlander) and somebody click the "no" button to see if it works-hahah :-/
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Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:54 am
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Hello Bill,
I am very interested in learning more about this area. Some of my family thought my maternal grandfather Pasionek was from Zackopane though he was born in Kamianka Mala. I think he may have been in Zackopane when he worked as a servant for an Austrian Army officer.
On my paternal side, the Halczyn family is from Lendak, Slovakia - just one long hike over the mountains but not far as the crow flies. I have a copy of a book published in Krakow, 1919 called "Nasi Gazdowie W Paryzu, Wspomnienie Z Podrozy". I know it has something to do with political activities involving the highlanders (Gorali w Zakopanem) with which my Halczyn ancestor was somehow involved. Maybe this will inspire me to finally get it translated.
Dianne Halcin
Bill RushinPO Top Contributor

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Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:25 pm
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Diane, If you go to my Goral map and click on it it will enlarge, click it again to enlarge further, the red area on the right lower side is where Lendak is located. (just below the white circle marked Rusini) Your are a Goral from Spiszany region. Poland annexed the top half of this area where you see the dotted line. Gorali w Zakopanem means Mountaineers of Zakopane (pronounced Zack-O-Pon-nee) Checking on your book.
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Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:03 pm
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Thanks, Bill. The map is very helpful.
How do you pronounce Spiszacy?
I could scan and send you the title page and first page of the political book if you wanted to decipher what it covers. Family lore has a relative involved in signing a treaty after WWI. I know Woodrow Wilson and Josef Pilsudski are pictured in the book.
Bill RushinPO Top Contributor

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Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:41 pm
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Slovak is something that I know little of, however my friend told me it is Spis is "Zips". So Zips-acee? I tried it in Google Translate and it just says Spisz- like it is spelled. I don't think that is correct. I will ask my Slovak Goral buddy when he answers my other email.
He may have been involved with this-
The Tatra range divides Slovakia from Poland, the southern length of their common border running through its craggy peaks. The southern side of the Tatra's have not always been under Slovakian control. Prior to 1918 this area was under Hungarian rule within the counties of Szepes (Spis), Liptov and Arva (Orava). To the north has not always been under Polish control, either. Prior to 1918 this region was under Austrian domination, within its Crownland called Galacia. With the end of WWI in 1918, the Tatra area again became part of Slovakia and Poland. In 1920 border changes in Orava and Spis were made by the Council of Ambassadors and 30 Slovak villages were given to Poland. Scan it and send to my email address.
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Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:09 pm
Post subject: Two Pages of Nasi Gazdowie Book
Here they are Bill. I think my relative is the little guy in the white coat and fur hat.
Dianne Halcin
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Bill RushinPO Top Contributor

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Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:05 pm
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The first sentence is -Whose idea was it to send delegates highlanders of spis to Paris? So I would guess that this is a book discussing the locals who traveled to Paris to discuss changing the border as I mentioned before. If your from WI-MI area I'm sure you could find someone to read this book to you, check with your library for a translator or a Polish church member perhaps. A tape recording would be nice to have. (written transcript would be expensive)
Bill RushinPO Top Contributor

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Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:33 pm
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Dianne, I sent two maps to your pvt. email.
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Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:24 pm
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Thanks for the maps and the tips on the book. We think we have a family acquaintance who can read Polish or our new parish priest in MI is from Poland.
Thanks again,