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Post Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:43 am      Post subject: Doc 20032013140422 translation
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The entire record is in Latin. If you had posted it under Latin translations you would have been assured of a prompt reply. However, since I saw it this morning there is no need to post it again. Here is the translation:
Col. 1: Numerus=Number: 3
Col. 2: Numerus serialis=Number in succession: 10
Col. 3: Natus=Birth: 24
Col. 4: Baptisatus: Baptism: 26
Col. 5: Numerus Domus=House number: 108
Col. 6: Nomen Baptisati=Name of person baptized: Dorothea=Dorota (Polish) Dorothy (English) There are two notes here which begin under the previous columns: bap Sierzega=baptized (by) Sierzega (the surname of the priest baptizing) and the +23.8.1942=date of her death=August 23, 1942
Col. 7: Catholica=Catholic (the religion marked)
Col. 8: aut alia= or another (religion) left blank since the previous column was marked
Col. 9: puer=boy (left blank)
Col. 10: puella=girl (marked)
Col. 11: thorus=literally "bed" This col. was used to indicate legitimacy and the entry is illigit=illegitimate
Col. 12: Pater=father left blank except for notation absit qua supra=absent as above or cf. previous column
Col. 13: Mater=mother The entry reads Cunegundis Pilch filia Joannis et Agnetis Moton=Kunegunda (Polish) Cunegunda (English) Pilch the daughter of Jan (Polish) (John) and Agnieszka (Polish) (Agnes) nee Molon
Col. 14: Patrini=sponsors (commonly called Godparents): Josephus Syka, Catharina ux. Francisci Pawlowski= Jozef (Joseph) Syka, Katarzyna (Catherine) the wife of Franciszek (Francis) Pawlowski

Finally, the heading: Annus Domini 1892=the year of (our) Lord 1892.

Hope this helps.


Last edited by dnowicki on Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:55 am      Post subject: Re: Translation please
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Here is what I can decipher, two annotations ask for Latin expert.



doc20032013140422.pdf BIRTH
Annus Domini 1892
(there is no mention of month, I guess January because record numbers are small)
Number: 3
Number (in a year?) 10
Day of birth: 24
Day of baptism: 26
Number of house: 108
Bap. Sierzega (person who made a ceremony)
Name of baptized person: Dorothea (it's in Latin, Dorota in Polish)
Annotated with the date of her death: 23/08/1942
Codes for a child, and name of obstetrician: girl, illegitimate
Mother: Cunegundis Pilch filia Joannis et Agnetis Molon; in Polish Kunegunda Pilch, daughter of Jan and Agnieszka, born Molon
Godparents: Josepus Syka, Catharina (line cut), Francisci Pawlowski; in Polish Jozef Syka, Katarzyna (), Franciszek Pawlowski


doc20032013140404.pdf MARRIAGE
Number 191 on the right
Number: 7
Date: 20/08/1912
Name of groom: Martinus Kudali, folius p.d. Pauli et Mariannae Piejko n (cannot read supersposed text) m Huta Jawornicka 18/05/1887 habitaus in Lopuszka Wielka ; in Polish Marcin Kudali, (don't know p.d.) son of Pawel and Marianna born Piejko, born 18/05/1887 in Huta Jawornicka, resident in Lopuszka Wielka
Four colums with codes, religion, age, and others to be checked: code religion = 1, age 24
Name of bride: Dorothea Pilch, filia illeg. Cunegundis Pilch, born 24/01/1892, in Lupuszka Wielka
Four colums with codes, religion, age, and others to be checked: code religion = 1, age 20
Testes (witness): Joannis Mazur, Stanislaus Slonina
Annotations in Latin, to be checked, quite along text, includes, three announcements of marriage, 15/08, 18/08, 25/08 () pappilaris Przeworsk 27/09/1912, matrimonis benedixit Stanislaw Bulichowki


doc20032013140342.pdf BIRTH
Number: 30
Day of birth: 18
Day of baptism: 20
Number of house: 230
Bap (person who made a ceremony)
Name of baptized person: Petrus (it's in Latin, Piotr in Polish)
Annotated with the date of her death: 25/04/1978 in Lopuszka Wielka, USC = acronym for Urzad Stanu Cywilnego, Office of Civil Records, Kanczuga (it is the name of city), 35/78 (it is the number in death's records)
Codes for a child, and name of obstetrician: boy, legitimate
Father: Antonius Mauzr, agric., filius Mariannae Mazur (Antoni Mazur, agric. it's agriculture, farmer, peasant, son of Marianna Mazur)
Mother: Dorothea filia illegit. Sophiae Czepiel
Godparents: Daniel Halys, agr. Mariana Sowa, unox Sebastiani, agr. - Daniel Halys, and Mariana Sowa, wife of Sebastiani
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Post Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:42 pm      Post subject: Marriage Doc.20032013140404
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The following is an elaboration on Elzbieta's post. The priest's handwriting is not the best and his Latin is not always correct. Corrections of the Latin will appear in parentheses.

Col. 1: Numerus 7= Number (of marriage for the year) 7
Col. 2: Dies et mensis copulationis 29/8/1912=day & month of the marriage August 29, 1912
Col. 3: Numerus domus=House number (blank)
Col. 4: Nomen et Sponsi=First & last name of the groom; entry reads: Martinus Kudali folius (filius) p.d. Pauli et Mariannae nee Piejko n (atus) in Huta Jawornicka 18/5/1887 habitans in Lupuszka Wielka=Marcin (Martin) Kudali the son of the deceased father (p.d.=patris defuncti) Pawel (Paul) and Maryanna nee Piejko born in Huta Jawornicka on May 18, 1887
Col. 5: Religio |= Religion |=Catholic
Col. 6: Aetas 24= Age 24
Col. 7: Coelebs |= Bachelor (checked)
Col. 8: Viduus= widower (blank)
Col. 9: Nomen et cognomen sponsae= First & last name of the bride; entry reads: Dorothea Pilch folia (filia) illegit. Cunegundis Pilch 24/1/1892 in Lupuszka Wielka=Dorota (Dorothy) Pilch the illegitimate daughter of Kunegunda Pilch (born) January 24, 1892 in Lupuszka Wielka
Col. 10: Religio=same as Col.5
Col. 11: Aetas 20=Age 20
Col. 12: Coelebs | = Maiden (checked)
Col. 13: Vidua= widow (blank)
Col. 14: Testes=Witnesses entry reads Januarius Mazur, Stanislaus Slomna= witnesses Januarius Mazur & Stanislaw Slomna. I know that Elzbieta read the name of the first witness as Jan. However, Jan in Latin is Joannes (or Ioannes) and the entry does not look like it could possibly be Joannes. Januarius is an ancient Roman name and is certainly not a common one and, of course, it is also the name of the first month of the year. Perhaps Elzbieta or Zenon may know the Polish equivalent when it is used as a first name and not as the name of the month.
Bottom Notation: Tribus bannis proclamatis diebus: Fest. Assump. B.V. Dom. XII, XIII p. Pent. i.e. 15/8, 18/8. 25/8 1912 nullo impedimento detecto, cum consensu ??? (possibly rei publicae) puppolaris (popularis) Przeworsk 2719/1912 N166/12 matrimonicis benedixit Stanislaus Bulickowski p.l.=After the three (marriage) banns were proclaimed on the (following) days: The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, the 12th and 13th Sundays after Pentecost, at is, on August 15, 18 & 25, 1912 and after no (canonical) impediment was detected with the consent of ??? (possibly "of the State"; res publica in English is used to mean "The republic" and in Polish is Rzeczpostpolita and literally "the public's thing" or "the public's affair") popularis=civil law Przeworsk 2719/1912 No. 166/12, Stanislaw Bulickowski, the pastor of the place (p.l.=parochus loci or pastor of the place) blessed the marriage.
Explanatory Note: The Latin constructions which begin this Notation are Ablative Absolutes, a construction peculiar to Latin consisting of a noun/nouns, pronoun or adjective together with a participle. There are various options for translating this type of construction which convey the same meaning. I translated them into English in the form of dependent clauses.

Last edited by dnowicki on Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:15 pm      Post subject: Birth Record 20032013140342
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The following is an elaboration on Elzbieta's post for this record.

Col. 1: Numerus serialis 10=Number in order 10
Col. 2: Natus 18= Birth 18 (of June)
Col. 3: Baptisatus 20=Baptism 20 (of June)
Col. 4: Numerus Domus 230=House number 230
Notation under these columns: bap. qui supra & Junii= (The priest administering) baptism as above (his name would appear in a previous entry) & of June
Col. 5: Nomen Baptisati=Name of the one baptized; entry is Petrus=Piotr (Peter)
The death notation for Piotr in this column is as Elzbieta wrote.
Col. 6: Catholica (checked)=Catholic (Checked)
Col. 7: Aut alia=Or another (religion) (blank)
Col. 8: Puer (checked)=Boy (checked)
Col. 9: Puella=Girl (blank)
Notation in these columns: Obstr q.supra= The same midwife as above (was present at the birth
Col. 10: Thorus Legitimi=(Literally) Bed Legitimate
Col. 11: Pater=Father; entry reads: Antonius Mazur agr. (agricola) filius Mariannae Mazur=Antoni (Anthony Mazur, a farmer, the son of Maryanna Mazur
Col. 12: Mater=Mother; entry reads: Dorothea filia illigit Sophiae Czepil=Dorota (Dorothy) the illegitimate daughter of Zosia (Sophie) Czepil
Col. 13: Patrini et conditio eorum=The sponsors and their status/condition of life; entry reads: Daniel Halys, agr. (agricola) et Marianna Sowa uxor Sebastiani, agr.= Daniel Halys, a farmer and Maryanna Sowa the wife of Sebastian, a farmer
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Post Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:18 pm      Post subject:
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Hi thank you both (Dave, Elzbieta) for such a quick reply I was not expecting such a quick response. I will advise how it all ties in with my other records and how the names translate. Once again thank you
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Post Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:35 pm      Post subject: Polish Marriage Record
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I just saw this forum for translations of Polish records and I would like to request a translation of a marriage record that I am having trouble understanding. Thanks in advance.

Malzenstwo Tomasz Piasecki & Julianna Rosinska 1847 #163.jpg
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Malzenstwo Tomasz Piasecki & Julianna Rosinska 1847 #163.jpg

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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:34 am      Post subject:
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Let me just say how much I admire your immense knowledge in Latin, scrupulous translations, and so high level of quality.

I looked up once more doc20032013140404.pdf, you are right - it is rather Jonnarius, than Johannis.

To my excuse: I have original Latin record “Testimonium copulation” from Przemysl, 1946, where the first name of my grand father Jan is written Johannis.

Incidentally, my Mother first name Jadwiga is written Hedvigis.

Noone of this writings, Johannis or Hedvigis, is recorded in various Latin wiki tables, such as http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Latin_forms_of_English_given_names or http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odpowiedniki_imion_w_r%C3%B3%C5%BCnych_j%C4%99zykach , which let me think that some variants happen.

Regarding Jonnarius, no doubt it let think of January, or Javier (Spanish first name), Xavier (French first name), Ksawery in Polish.

I found one old good record with Jonnarius, from 1913, here, http://arc.stparchive.com/Archive/ARC/ARC06211913p01.php
under “Italian Colony’s Long Pilgrimage”: A novel feature of the feast, however, was the pilgrimage of the Italian colony of St. Jonnarius church at Center Ridge to the shrine …

I wonder if at that time we already had two versions of the first name Jan, Jan and Janusz, and if and how a scribe would differentiate those subtleties in Latin.

Kind regards,
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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:25 am      Post subject: Re: Polish Marriage Record
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arosinski wrote:
I just saw this forum for translations of Polish records and I would like to request a translation of a marriage record that I am having trouble understanding. Thanks in advance.


Typed and translated.




Dzialo sie w Chodczu tysiac osiemset czterdziestego siodmego roku, dnia siodmego Lutego o godzinie pierwszej po poludniu. Wiadomo czynimy, ze w obecnosci Macieja Nadolskiego lat dwadziescia dziewiec i Stanislawa Lorentz lat dwadziescia szesc liczacych, komornikow obu z Myszkowa miedzy Tomaszem Piaseckim, mlodzianem liczacym lat dwadziescia piec,- urodzonym w Rybny – synem niegdy Andrzeja i Teressy z Ostroszkow Piaseckich, parobkiem z Myszkowa z jednej – a z drugiej strony Julia Rosinska, panna majaca lat dwadziescia, - urodzona w Myszkowie – corka niegdy Andrzeja i pozostalej Katarzyny z Chojnackich Rosinskiej, odrobnicy z Pyszkowa, a tamze przy matce zostajaca, na dniu dziesiejszym zawarte zostalo Religijne Malzenstwo – ktore poprzedzily trzy zapowiedzie w dniach dwudziestym czwartym, trzydziestym pierwszym stycznia i siodmym tego miesiaca i roku – Gdy tamowania, przeszkody, ani umowy przedslubnej miedzy Malzonkami podlug ich oswiadnczenia nie bylo- Akt ten stawajacym ktorzy pisac nie umieja przeczytany podpisalismy Ksiadz Ptakowski z Orob?


It did happened in one thousand eight hundred and forty seventh in Chodecz, on the seventh day of February, at one o'clock in the afternoon. We make it known that in the presence of Maciej Nadolski twenty-nine years and Stanislaw Lorentz twenty-six years old, both tenants from Myszków, between Thomas Piasecki, the young man of twenty-five years old - born in Rybny - son of already passed away Andrzej and Teressa born Ostroszek, spouses Piasecki; a farmhand from Myszków on one side - on the other side Julia Rosinska, the young woman, of twenty years old, - born in Myszków - daughter of Andrew (already passed away) and Catherine born Chojnacka, spouse Rosinska, a worker of Pyszków, residing there [in Pyszków] with her mother; today has been celebrated a Religious Marriage – which has been preceded by three announcements: on the twenty-fourth, thirty-first of January and seventh of this month, and year - There was no attempts to stop the marriage, neither obstacles. No prenuptial agreement between the spouses according to their statement –The Act was read to the present, who do not read, and signed by us

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Post Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 5:01 pm      Post subject: Translation requested of birth record, I think he was a twin
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Please translate these two birth records. One is for my 3x great-grandfather Andrzej Bien and the other is for his sister Marianna. It looks like they were twins although we never heard this before. I appreciate all your help. Thank you!


Bien Marianna birth record.jpg
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Bien Marianna birth record.jpg

Bien Andrzej birth record.jpg
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Bien Andrzej birth record.jpg

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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 6:22 pm      Post subject: Re: Translation requested of birth record, I think he was a
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beskarupa wrote:

Please translate these two birth records. One is for my 3x great-grandfather Andrzej Bien and the other is for his sister Marianna. It looks like they were twins although we never heard this before. I appreciate all your help. Thank you!


Hi Beth,

Yes, indeed, twins!

Jadwiga z Beszków, could be born Beszek or Beszko.




74. Zadubie.

Dzialo sie w miescie Bychowie dnia drugiego wrzesnia tysiac osiemset piecdziesiatego szostego roku o godzinie jedenastej rano. Stawil sie Jan Bień wloscianin we wsi Zadubie zamieszkaly lat czterdziesci majacy, w obecnosci Józefa Haka lat trzydziesci szesc tudziez Stanisława Barana lat trzydziesci majacych, obydwoch wloscian we wsi Woli Gałęzowskiej zamieszkalych; i okazal nam dziecie z blizniat plci meskiej urodzone tam na Zadubiu dnia drugiego wrzesnia roku biezacego o godzinie piatej rano z jego malzonki Jadwigi z Beszków lat trzydziesci dwa majacej. Dziecieciu temu na Chrzcie Swietym odbytym w dniu dzisiejszym nadane zostalo imie Andrzej, a rodzicami jego chrzestnymi byli wyzej wspomniany Józef Hak i Maryanna Majkowa. Akt ten stawajacym i swiadkom przeczytany podpisalismy, ile ze oni pisac nie umieja. Ksiadz Jan Wojtasz, proboszcz Parafii Bychowskiej


It did happened in the city of Bychowo, on the second day of September one thousand eight hundred fifty-six at eleven o'clock in the morning. Appeared Jan Bień peasant residing in the village of Zadubie, forty years old, in the presence of Józef Hak, thirty-six years old and of Stanisław Baran, thirty years old, the two peasants residing in the village of Wola Gałęzowska, and showed us a male child, one of twins, born there in Zadubie, on the second day of September of the current year, at five o'clock in the morning, with his wife Jadwiga Beszków thirty two years old. On Holy Baptism celebrated today, the Child has been given the name of Andrew, his godparents were the above mentioned Józef Hak and Maryanna Majek [the suffix –owa means it’s the name of her husband, we could say Maryanna spouse Majek]. This act was read to the present and the witnesses, we signed it as they to not know how to write. Rector Jan Wojtasz, pastor of the Parish in Bychowo




75. Zadubie.

Dzialo sie w miescie Bychowie dnia drugiego wrzesnia tysiac osiemset piecdziesiatego szostego roku o godzinie w pol do dwunastej przed poludniem. Stawil sie Jan Bień wloscianin we wsi Zadubie zamieszkaly lat czterdziesci majacy, w obecnosci Stanisława Barana lat trzydziesci, tudziez Józefa Haka lat trzydziesci szesc majacych, obydwoch wloscian we wsi Woli Gałęzowskiej zamieszkalych; i okazal nam dziecie z blizniat plci zenskiej urodzone tam na Zadubiu dnia drugiego wrzesnia roku biezacego o godzinie piatej rano z jego malzonki Jadwigi z Beszków lat trzydziesci dwa majacej. Dziecieciu temu na Chrzcie Swietym odbytym w dniu dzisiejszym nadane zostalo imie Maryanna, a rodzicami jego chrzestnymi byli wyzej wspomniany Stanisław Baran i Maryanna Wereślakowa. Akt ten stawajacym i swiadkom przeczytany podpisalismy, ile ze oni pisac nie umieja. Ksiadz Jan Wojtasz, proboszcz P.B. (Parafii Bychowskiej).


It did happened in the city of Bychowo, on the second day of September one thousand eight hundred fifty-six at the half to twelve before noon. Appeared Jan Bień peasant residing in the village of Zadubie, forty years old, in the presence of Stanisław Baran, thirty years old, and Józef Hak, thirty-six years old, the two peasants residing in the village of Wola Gałęzowska, and showed us a female child, one of twins, born there in Zadubie, on the second day of September of the current year, at five o'clock in the morning, with his wife Jadwiga Beszków thirty two years old. On Holy Baptism celebrated today, the Child has been given the name of Maryanna, his godparents were the above mentioned Stanisław Baran and Maryanna Wereślak [the suffix –owa means it’s the name of her husband, we could say Maryanna spouse Wereślak]. This act was read to the present and the witnesses, we signed it as they to not know how to write. Rector Jan Wojtasz, pastor P.B. (of the Parish in Bychowo)

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Post Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 6:41 pm      Post subject:
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Thank you for the quick translation Elzbieta! I appreciate all your help! This is exciting to find twins too!

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Post Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:47 pm      Post subject: Another birth record for Andrzej Bien, translation requested
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Hello again!

Sorry to bother you, but I have a mystery here. Now I found a birth record for another Andrzej Bien with the same parents as the Andrzej that was one of twins. These are the same parents listed, so now I think that the twin must have died and that this record is for my 3x great-grandfather. I did not find a death record for the first Andrzej yet. I think these names of the parents are unique and the areas are too close to each other, but I guess you never know. Can you look at this record and translate it for me too? I appreciate it. Thanks!


Bien Andrzej birth record 1864.jpg
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Bien Andrzej birth record 1864.jpg

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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:24 am      Post subject: Re: Another birth record for Andrzej Bien, translation reque
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beskarupa wrote:
Hello again!

Sorry to bother you, but I have a mystery here. Now I found a birth record for another Andrzej Bien with the same parents as the Andrzej that was one of twins. These are the same parents listed, so now I think that the twin must have died and that this record is for my 3x great-grandfather. I did not find a death record for the first Andrzej yet. I think these names of the parents are unique and the areas are too close to each other, but I guess you never know. Can you look at this record and translate it for me too? I appreciate it. Thanks!


Hi Beth, very interesting.

Below is your record. You will see that parents postponed the declaration of the birth by 4 months - 7 Feb 1864 for the event of 11 October 1963. They also did it in Targowisko, which is longer distance from Wola Gałęzowska that Bychawa.

Today we can only speculate: the first Andrzej, twin baby, passed away when few days old, and the parents were very hurted by it; the second Andrzej gets his baptism the day he is born, but the parents postpone to declare it, and eventualy they do, but in another parish, staying a distance from memory of their pain.

I know personaly about few cases, my own Polish family, or here, French one, where the firts name of a passed away baby has been given to the next sibilling, sometimes with the middle name to differentiate.

Please note that on yesterday translation I typed Bychowa, while it should be Bychawa - I'am sur you corrected it by yourself.
I also checked the name of Jadwiga, which I saw and typed Beszków yesterday. In this record it is R. On the second reading of Zadubie twins records, it is R.

I added a mark to Kalista first name, which is from ancient grec, never seen it in Poland. But I read quite a fantastic historic book on Slavic people in Europe (published in France, circa 30 researchers, various countries), where they state Slavic tribes were invaders of Greece in middle age, and *ancient grec language* assimiliated circa 300 words of slavic origin.





Wola Gałęzowska

Dzialo sie w Targowisku, dnia siodmego lutego tysiac osiemset szescdziesiatego czwartego roku o godzinie drugiej po poludniu. Stawil sie Jan Bień, parobek dworski, w Woli Gałęzowskiej zamieszkaly, lat czterdziesci piec majacy, w obecnosci Pawła Wyroślaka, fornala dworskiego lat trzydziesci jeden, i Jana Głąba, gospodarza rolnego lat piecdziesiat majacych, obydwoch w Woli Gałęzowskiej zamieszkalych, i okazal nam dziecie plci meskiej urodzone w Woli Gałęzowskiej dnia jedenastego pazdziernika tysiac osiemset szescdziesiatego trzeciego roku, o godzienie jedenastej przed poludniem, z niego i jego malzonki Jadwigi z Reszków lat trzydziesci trzy majacej, dziecieciu temu, ktorego Akt oswiadczenie do dnia dzisiejszego rodzice odlozyli, na chrzcie swietym, odbytym w dniu urodzenia dziecia, nadane zostalo imie Andrzej, a rodzicami jego chrzestnymi byli: wspomniany Paweł Wyroślak i Kalista(x) Głębikoska. Akt ten stawajacemu i swiadkom przeczytany, ktorzy gdy pisac nie umieja, przez nas podpisany zostal.Ksiadz Piotr (F? larski), proboszcz Targowiska


It did happened in Targowisko, the seventh day of February one thousand eight hundred and sixty-fourth year, at two o'clock in the afternoon. Appeared Jan Bień, farmhand [at the rich property], residing in Wola Gałęzowska, forty-five years old, in the presence of Paweł Wyroślak, [taking care of horses at the rich property], thirty years old, and Jan Głąb, farmer, fifty years old, both residing in the Wola Gałęzowska, and showed us a male child, born in Wola Gałęzowska on the eleventh day of October one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, at eleven o'clock in the morning, with him and his wife Jadwiga Reszków thirty three years old. The Child, whose Birth declaration has been postponed by his parents, has been given the name of Andrzej at the ceremony of holy baptism, held on the day of his birth, and his godparents were already mention Paweł Wyroślak and Kalista (x) Głębikoska. This act has been read to the present and witnesses, which, when they can not write, is signed by us. Ksiadz Piotr (F? Larski), rector of Targowisko.



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Post Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:13 pm      Post subject: Latin First Names
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The link to Januarius was interesting. As I mentioned, Latin records enter first names in a Latin form. Last names, however, are entered in the form of the vernacular of the place. The post contains the list of Latin forms of first names with their English and Polish forms compiled from names I encountered in my own research. While the list is by no means exhaustive, perhaps someone researching Latin records may find it useful.


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Elzbieta Porteneuve
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Post Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:42 pm      Post subject: Re: Latin First Names
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Thank you for shring your list, much appreciated.

I noted Hedvigis - Jadwiga is here, but not my Father's first name - Sigismundus - Zygmunt. From the same original Latin record I have, Testimonium copulationis.
Actualy, the French version is Sigismond, very close.

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