Magroski49PO Top Contributor & Patron
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Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:04 am
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I would like your help to the final part of this death record. I undersand Anna was 68 years old, a widow, poor, living in the house of his son Jan, the declarant.
However, I can make sense of 'dla Stabosci w domu syn pod miesciesin? dwudziastyn dziewiatyn'. If she died on 28, what else could happen on 29?
Thanks in advance
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Elzbieta PorteneuvePO Top Contributor
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Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:05 pm
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Magroski49 wrote: | Elzbieta,
I would like your help to the final part of this death record. I undersand Anna was 68 years old, a widow, poor, living in the house of his son Jan, the declarant.
However, I can make sense of 'dla Stabosci w domu syn pod miesciesin? dwudziastyn dziewiatyn'. If she died on 28, what else could happen on 29?
Thanks in advance |
She died of weakness, slabosc, at the house of her son. Her death was declared 37 hours later (28/11/1812 at 21:00; declared 30/11/1812 at 10:00).
I do not believe anythyng unusual happened on 29th.
The text is heavy, and sometimes the clerc add things too late in a sentence (i.e. when he says at 9 o'clock in the evening, current year - dnia dwudziestego osmego Miesiaca Listopada o godzinie dziewiatej w nocy, roku bierzacego - should be: dnia dwudziestego osmego Miesiaca Listopada, roku biezacego, o godzinie dziewiatej w nocy).
Today we would say "ze slabosci", not "dla slabosci". Zaslabnac = to faint.
Two columns: Mezczyzny Bialoglowy
43. (under Bialoglowy)
(23 on the righ – page number?)
Roku tysiacznego osiemset dwunastego, dnia trzydziestego miesiaca Listopada o godzienie dziesiatej z rana. Przed Nami Urzednikiem Stanu Cywilnego Gminy Brudzowskiej w Departamencie Kroskowskim Powiecie Zelazowskim stawil sie Jan Kwiatek liczacy lat czterdziesci, syn zmarlej, i Jan Kurzeia liczacy lat piecdziesiat tu w Brudzowicach zamieszkaly, i oswiadczyli Nam iz dnia dwudziestego osmego Miesiaca Listopada o godzinie dziewiatej w nocy, roku bierzacego, umarla Anna Kwiatkowa,Wdowa Uboga przy Synie mieszkajaca liczaca lat szescdziesiat osiem dla Slabosci w domuSyna pod numerem dwudziestym dziewiatym. Poczem oswiadczajacy niepodpisali z nami. Akt niniejszy, po przeczytaniu oniegoz stawajacym jako pisac nie umiejacy.
Ignacy Szablowski Urzednik Cywilny
Year one thousand eight hundred twelfth, this thirtieth day of the month of November the tenth hours of the morning. Before Us an officer in the Department of civil records at gmina Brudzowice, district of Kroskowo, powiat Zelazow, appeared Jan Kwiatek forty years old, son of the deceased, and Jan Kurzeia, fifty years old, residing here in Brudzowice, and declared to us, that on twenty-eighth day of the month of November, at nine o'clock at night, current year, died Anna Kwiatek, the poor widow living with his son, sixty-eight years old, for weaknesses, in the house of her Son, at number twenty-ninth. Then the declaring did not sign with us. This Act, after reading it to the present, who could not write.
Civil officer Ignacy Szablowski
Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:16 pm
Post subject: Polish Records
I apologize that this question may be somewhat off topic, but I was viewing the posts requesting translation of birth, marriage and death records and was struck by the large amount of information contained in some of the referenced records. Would someone be able to share the typical source of these records? I have looked at some Catholic church marriage records from the mid to late 1800's which I obtained on microfilm from LDS and for the most part, they contained much less information than what I have seen here. Are the records referenced here civil records? Thanks.
Magroski49PO Top Contributor & Patron
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Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:17 pm
Post subject: Re: Polish Records
timothyore wrote: | I apologize that this question may be somewhat off topic, but I was viewing the posts requesting translation of birth, marriage and death records and was struck by the large amount of information contained in some of the referenced records. Would someone be able to share the typical source of these records? I have looked at some Catholic church marriage records from the mid to late 1800's which I obtained on microfilm from LDS and for the most part, they contained much less information than what I have seen here. Are the records referenced here civil records? Thanks.
Tim |
In my research (kujwasko-pomorskie area) I have noticed that, up to 1810, records were found in Latin only, in short paragraphs, containing very little information.
From 1810 on, records were found in Polish and in Latin and, again, the latter containing very little information.
As examples I attached the birth records of my grandather's sister, in 1870.
I have also learned that, in german areas, the latin records followed the columnar format, usually richer than the short paragraph format.
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Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:30 pm
Post subject: Polish Records
Thank you for the reply. Just so I'm clear on this, are the pre 1810 records you refer to church or civil records? Also, the second record you attached seems more comprehensive than the first one. Could you specify which language each is in?
Finally, did you obtain these records from Poland or through the Latter Day Saints (Mormon) records?
Magroski49PO Top Contributor & Patron
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Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:00 pm
Post subject: Re: Polish Records
timothyore wrote: | Gilberto,
Thank you for the reply. Just so I'm clear on this, are the pre 1810 records you refer to church or civil records? Also, the second record you attached seems more comprehensive than the first one. Could you specify which language each is in?
Finally, did you obtain these records from Poland or through the Latter Day Saints (Mormon) records?
Tim |
I am not an expert on this, but based on many records I obtained pre 1810 were church records. I don't know when Civil Records Offices (USC, Urzad Stanu Cywilnego) started existing in Poland or if all provinces started their Offices at the same time. In Brazil, for instance, civil records started after November 1889, by force of law, though some major cities started a bit earlier than that.
In Poland and, again, based on my records, it seems both church and civil records coexisted at the same time. I have a marriage dated 1810 which is the first record mentioning 'urzdnika stanu cywilnego', in polish, and the same record in a shortened, latin version.
The language in those birth records are latin and polish.
These records were obtained through LDS microfilms, but I also have many obtained from States Archives and USCs.
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Magroski49PO Top Contributor & Patron
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Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:43 pm
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I need your help to identify:
- father's profession
- witnesses' surnames and professions
- mother's surname
- godmother's surname
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Elzbieta PorteneuvePO Top Contributor
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Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:20 pm
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Magroski49 wrote: | Elzbieta,
I need your help to identify:
- father's profession
- witnesses' surnames and professions
- mother's surname
- godmother's surname |
Gilberto, very interesting to learn old job's names!
Dzialo sie w Bochotnie dnia czwartego lutego tysiac osiemset czterdziestego dziewiatego roku o godzinie dwunastej w poludnie. Stawil sie Jozef Olszta, owczarz z Sadzorek, lat dwadziescia osiem majacy, w obecnosci swiadkow Michala Grydy, szynkarza, lat trzydziesci dziewiec i Kazimierza Szleprowskiego, fornala, lat czterdziesci majacych, obydwoch w Sadzorkach zamieszkalych i okazali nam dziecie plci meskiej urodzone w Sadzorkach dnia dzisiejszego o godzinie szostey rano z jego malzonki Maryanny z Moczarskich lat dwadziescia szesc liczacej. Dziecieciu temu na chrzcie swietym odbytym w dniu dzisiejszym nadane zostalo imie Walenty, a rodzicami jego chrzestnymi byli wyzej Michal Gryda i Maryanna Tokarska. Akt ten stawajacym i swiadkom pisac nieumiejacym przeczytany, przez nas podpisany zostal.
Ksiadz Jozef Czubaszek, proboszcz.
It did happen in Bochotno, in the fourth day of February one thousand eight hundred and forty-ninth year at twelve o'clock at noon. Appeared Jozef Olszta, shepherd of Sadzorek, twenty-eight years old, in the presence of witnesses Michael Grydy, caterer, thirty-nine years old, and Kazimierz Szleprowski, (taking care of horses), forty years old, both residing in Sadzorki, and showed us the male children born on this day in Sadzorki, at six o’clock in the morning with his wife Maryanna born Moczarska, twenty-six years old. On holy baptism held today, the child has been given the name of Waleny, his parents and godparents were mentionned above: Michal Gryda and Maryanna Tokarska. This act was read to the present and witnesses not knowing to write, and signed by us.
Father: owczarz, someone taking care of sheeps, able to treat their illness
Michal Grydy, szynkarz, an owner of szynk, small restaurant or bar
Kazimierz Szleprowski, fornal, a person taking care of horses
The names are difficult to decipher, could be you have differences by a letter or two.
Kind regards,
Magroski49PO Top Contributor & Patron
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Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:38 pm
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Elzbieta Porteneuve wrote: |
The names are difficult to decipher, could be you have differences by a letter or two.
Kind regards,
Elzbieta |
Indeee. To find out what was the name for the place I had to check what places were around Bochtnica, Czeslawie and Cynków.
It is Sadurki, but it does look like Sadzurki.
Thanks again.
Magroski49PO Top Contributor & Patron
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Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:18 pm
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Could you tell me the surnames of witnesses and mother? I believe of the witnesses is also the godfather.
Thanks in advance,
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Elzbieta PorteneuvePO Top Contributor
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Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:29 am
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Magroski49 wrote: | Elzbieta,
Could you tell me the surnames of witnesses and mother? I believe of the witnesses is also the godfather.
Thanks in advance,
Gilberto |
Gilberto, I still do not have my good computer, so here it is typed, not translated.
I wonder if the quality of your jpeg very bad (small), or is my replacement old PC very bad?
Witnesses: Franciszek Orzeł; Bartłomiej Zak (Z with dot is Polish word)
Mother: Zofja born Rząd (or Rzęd)
Godparents: Franciszek Orzeł, Maryanna Zak (Zakowa is wife of Zak, I guess she is wife of Bartłomiej)
Dzialo sie we wsi Bialy dnia dwudziestego piatego listopada tysiac osiemset czterdziestego trzeciego roku o godzinie drugiej po poludniu. Stawil sie Wojciech Nasiol, ziemianin z wsi Bialy lat piecdziesiat majacy, w obecnosci Franciszka Orla lat czterdziesci szesc tudziez Bartlomieja Zaka lat piecdziesiat majacych, obydwoch wloscian z wsi Bialy i okazal nam dziecie plci zenskiej urodzone w tejze wsi dnia wczorajszego o godzinie dziesiatej z wieczora z jego malzonki Zofji z Rzadow lat czterdziesci piec majacej. Dziecieciu temu na chrzcie swietym odbytym w dniu dzisiejszym nadane zostalo imie Agnieszka a Rodzicami jego chrzestnymi byli wyzej wspomniany Franciszek Orzel i Maryanna Zakowa. Akt stawajacym i swiadkom przeczytany przez samego Proboszcza podpisany zostal, gdyz stawajacy i swiadkowie pisac nie umieja.
Ksiadz Antoni Pascholski, Proboszcz Bialski
CORRECTIONS, beter PC today, 10 April 2013.
The father name is Wojciech Nizioł.
Last edited by Elzbieta Porteneuve on Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:33 am
Post subject: Translation request Polish/Lithuanian record(s)
First post to this forum, I have great luck posting to the Russian board. Translation of the attached document would be greatly appreciated. This is the first of many records I have discovered from Lithuania.
Thank you in advance for any help.
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Elzbieta PorteneuvePO Top Contributor
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Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:18 pm
Post subject: Re: Translation request Polish/Lithuanian record(s)
jeskisr wrote: | This is the first of many records I have discovered from Lithuania.
Greetings Dan,
Dzialo sie w Lajpunach dnia trzydziestego stycznia osiemset szescdziesiatego szostego roku o godzinie drugiej po poludniu. Stawil sie Andrzej Wojlanis gospodarz we wsi Jawojszach zamieszkaly lat czterdziesci majacy w obecnosci Jerzego Wojlanisa gospodarza lat dwadziescia trzy i Antoniego Nowickiego gospodarza lat piecdziesiat majacych we wsi Jawojszach zamieszkalych i okazal nam dziecie plci zenskiej, oswiadczajac iz takowe urodzone jest we wsi Jawojsza w dniu dziesiejszego biezacego miesiaca i roku o godzinie z siodmej z rana z jego malzonki Teresy z Zabrzyckich (?) lat trzydziesci cztery majacej. Dziecieciu temu na chrzcie swietym w dniu dziesiejszym przez ksiedza Jana Furmaja? nadane zostalo imie Marta a rodzicami jego chrzestnymi byli wyzej wspomniany Jerzy Wojlanis z Agata Zubrzycka. Akt ten stawajacym i swiadkom przeczytany a nastepnie przez nas podpisany zostal. Gdyz stawajacy pisac nie umieja.
Ksiadz Jan Furmaj? adm. Parafii Lajp. utrzymajacy Akta Stanu Cywilnego
It did happen in Lajpuny in the thirtieth day of January eight hundred and sixty-six years, at two o'clock in the afternoon. Appeared Andrzej Wojlanis, farmer in Jawojsze, forty years old, in the presence of Jerzy Wojlanis, farmer, twenty three years old, and Antoni Nowicki, farmer, fifty years old, residing in Jawojsze, and presented us a female children, declaring she was born in the village Jawojsze, today, current month and year, at seven o'clock in the morning with his wife Teresa born Zabrzycka (?) thirty-four years old. On the holy baptism held today by the priest Jan Furmaj?, the child was given the name Marta, and his godparents were the above-mentioned Jerzy Wojlanis and Agata Zubrzycka. This act was read to the present and witnesses, and then was signed by us. Because they can not write.
Rev. Jan Furman? adm. Lajp parish. keeping Civil Status Records
Jawojsze in the district of Wil/komierz [Ukmerge today] (found it on Lituanian website). When you search on google maps, and write "wilkomierz Lithuania", it shows Ukmergė Lithuania
There was a place Lajpuny in Lithuania in 1882, I found it in a record of someone here
You jpeg have a name wylonis, but I see very clear Wojlanis, with dot above j, written three times in the document.
Kind regards,
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Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:06 pm
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Thank you very much for the translation, as mentioned I have discovered several records I believe to be relatives. I have attached the index page for the records and will post with 3 records. I would like to respectfully request translations.
Thanks you in advance for your help.
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Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:08 pm
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Wojlonis #21
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