UtePO Top Contributor

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Bill RushinPO Top Contributor

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Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:21 pm
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Zabytkowe Kościoły Skalnego Podhala = Historic Churches of Rock Podhale
UtePO Top Contributor

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Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:46 pm
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Bill Rushin wrote: | Zabytkowe Kościoły Skalnego Podhala = Historic Churches of Rock Podhale  |
Thank you, Bill!
Joined: 30 Apr 2011
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Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:37 am
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If you google on the name, pages for a few of the Polish Spisz Region actually come up including: Frydman, Kacwin, Wysne Lapsze are a few I believe. Someone had posted these pages a few years ago. K _________________ KAM
PolishLibrarianPO Top Contributor
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Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:04 pm
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There is another volume, Zabytkowe Kościoły Niżnego Podhala by Skorupa published in 2004, that covers the history of the churches which were created by the time of World War II in these towns & villages: Ciche-Miętustwo,Czarny Dunajec, Dębno,Harklowa, Klikuszowa, Ludźmierz, Łopuszna, Nowy Targ Kościół św. Katarzyny and Kościół św. Anny, Odrowąż, Ostrowsko, Pieniążkowice, Szaflary, and Waksmund.
The Skalnego Podhala book Ute referenced has this series note on its catalog record in "nukat" (the union catalog of Polish research libraries) - Seria Popularnonaukowa - Oficyna Podhalańska ; 5, so perhaps these volumes are part of a series of books about the history of churches in the Podhala region. ~PL