Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 7:11 am
Post subject: Requesting a translation
Hi, I have located two birth records yet need assistance translating them (one is in Latin, and the other Polish) - hope someone can help - thanks. Also, the 2nd record seems to indicate an address number, would this be to their residence? I have read several posts attempting to locate where ancestors lived, can anyone guide me to where I might begin to search. Much appreciate any hints. ????
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dnowickiPO Top Contributor
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Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 1:36 pm
Post subject: Re: Requesting a translation
GK wrote: | Hi, I have located two birth records yet need assistance translating them (one is in Latin, and the other Polish) - hope someone can help - thanks. Also, the 2nd record seems to indicate an address number, would this be to their residence? I have read several posts attempting to locate where ancestors lived, can anyone guide me to where I might begin to search. Much appreciate any hints. ???? |
The translation of the Latin B&B record follows. The other record is not in Polish but is in Russian, which uses the Cyrillic Alphabet. If you post that record in the Russian Translations thread you will most likely receive a quicker response. In the future should you have Latin documents I would be more likely to see the request if you post it in the Latin Translations thread.
Wishing you success,
Col. 1 N(ume)rus Serialis = Number in order: 28
Col. 2: 1898 Dies et Mensis = Day and Month: Januarius = January
Col. 2a: Nat(ivitatis) = of birth: 12
Col. 2b: Bapt(ismi) = of baptism: 30
Col. 3: N(ume)rus Domus = at house number: 12
Col. 4: Nomen Baptisati = Name of person baptized: Joannes Adalbertus (bin) = Jan Wojciech (two names)
Notation in Col. 4: bapt(isavit) qui s(upra)= the one who is above baptized (him)
Col. 5: Religio = Religion
Col. 5a: Catholica = Catholic: Checked
Col. 5b: Acatholica= Non-Catholic: Blank
Col. 6: Sexus = Sex/Gender
Col. 6a: Puer = Boy: Checked
Col. 6b: Puella = Girl: Blank
Col. 7: Thori = of the (marital) bed: Leg. = Legitimate
Col. 8a: PATRIS ac parentum nomen, cognomen et conditio ejus = The name of the father and the first and surname of his parents (i.e. the paternal grandparents of the child) and his condition/status/occupation: Franciscus Golias carpentarius fikius Mariannae = Franciszek Golias, a carpenter, the son of Maryanna
Col. 8b: MATRIS ac parentum nomen, cognomen et conditio = The name of the mother and also the first and surnames of her parents (i.e. the maternal grandparents of the child) and their condition/status/occupation: Catharina filia Adalberti et Mariannae Banek = Katarzyna, the daughter of Wojciech and Maryanna Banek
Col. 9: PATRINI = Sponsors EORUM = Their
Col. 9a & b: Nomen et Cognomen et Conditio = First and Surname(s) and Condition/Occupation/ Status: Adalbertus Fluder, faber ferri; Helena Młotek = Wojciech Fluder, a blacksmith; Helena Młotek
Notation in Cols. 8B & 9: O(bstertrix) Francisca Białek n(on) ex(aminata)* = The midwife was Franciszka Młotek, not examined*
NOTE: * n(on) ex(aminata)/not examined: In Galicia during the 19th Century two types of midwives practiced, those who had been examined regarding their knowledge and skills and those who had not. In 21st Century terms they could be compared to board certified and not board certified medical practitioners.
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 2:56 pm
Post subject: Translations
Thanks very much Dave, both for the translation and information. It was my first post on the forum, so still lots to learn!